
You are invited to send me a picture of YOUR Poochie lip.

In a week or two you can send comments to this blog and tell me who’s you like the best. Here are some examples (you can also vote for these ones). I’ll put the pictures on a blog so people can vote for them.Audrey’s poochie lip

Andrea’s poochie lip

Mark’s Poochie lip


The contestant has to be older than their teeth.

You have to send the picture to my e-mail.

You can only enter twice, but make sure they are different both times.

Have lots and lots and lots and lots and lots (you get the picture) fun!

Hog tie…

…there is such a thing as a silly question. I asked Daddy “what’s a hog tie” because Momma said something about being hog tied. So, out came the question.

What is a hog tie????

Daddy said it was much easier to show me than to tell me. He said, “go get some rope.”

I got some rope. And guess what happened?

I am hogtied!.jpg Daddy didn’t tie it very well! Escape!.jpg

I still don’t know how Daddy knows how to hog tie.

Riddle from Miss Phyllis

Miss Phyllis is our “adopted” Great Grandma. When Great Grandma went to the nursing home, I made friends with her. She was at Great Grandma’s table at lunch. Then when Great Grandma died, she became our adopted Great Grandma.

We went to visit after a dentist appointment (my teeth are good 🙂 ).

She told us this riddle:

What eats everything, but if you give it water, it dies?”

Guess the answer, I will tell you the answer later!

P.S. My caterpillars are more than double the size of when I got them!

P.P.S.S. Auntie Candy and Uncle Micheal had a little baby boy! Congratulations!

P.P.P.S.S.S. His name is Cassion River and he was little! I have not seen him yet. I think he looks like a cross between Simone (his big sister) and a baby.

Reasons to take a bath?

We were reading Mrs. Piggle Wiggle. The story that we are talking about today, a little girl did not want to take a bath! So her momma called Mrs. Piggle Wiggle and here is the cure. When she gets sooooo dirty you can plant radishes on her, plant radishes!Need a Bath?

Read the book to find out how to stop selfishness, and never want to go to bedders cure. So far I like it, but there is not much about Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, just a lot of her advice. So far it all works out!

Here are some poems about bathtime.

Dirty Lill, Dirty Lill,

Lived upon a garbage hill.

Never took a bath and never will!

Spit Kaphoohy! Dirty Lill.

Great Grandma told the poem to Oma when she was little!

Here is Audrey’s favorite one;

I have a tiny turtle, his name is Tiny Tim

I put him in the bathtub, to see if he would swim.

He drank up all the water, and ate up all the soap,

Now he’s home, sick in bed, with a bubble in his thoat!

Poor Tiny Tim!

Here’s a tongue twister to learn:

“Surely Sylvia swims!” Shrieked Sammy, surpised.

“Someone should show Sylvia some strokes so she shall not sink!”

So, Remember to take a bath!