Look! Robins! It is spring; Momma always says that Continue reading Spring? Or not?
Author: Mark
Yummy recipe!
Oh! What’s that smell? Chocolate? Yummm….. Here’s an easy recipe for a yummy desert or an easy gift.
You need: Continue reading Yummy recipe!
Look at what I did at school today
We were looking for a game on how to make a mummy. But, we could not find it. Then I found this. So I tried it and it showed what my name looked like in hieroglyphs when I was done.
Try it, it’s fun!
Happy Groundhog day!
Phil Says Spring is Right Around the Corner!
Phil’s official forecast as read 2/2/07 at 7:28 a.m. at Gobbler’s Knob (Punxsutawny, Pennsylvania):
On this Groundhog Day we think of one thing.
Will we have winter or Continue reading Happy Groundhog day!
Snow! Finally!
What is this? It is not rain! It does not look like “snrain”, it must be SNOW! Snow at last! Roll roll roll, pack pack pack! A snowman! Ta da! I made it with a bit of help from my sisters! Continue reading Snow! Finally!
Silly Quizzers
This is me and my quizzing team. We are being silly in this picture, but this is my quizzing team non-the-less. The tallest one in the back is Cardin. The other one in the back is Lucas. I’m the one in front of Lucas. And Cody is the one in front of Cardin. In the middle, is my dad. He is the coach. He’s a realllllyyy gooooodddd coach.
This is how we sat on our last quiz meet. We got first place. We did really good. We sat on the quizzing benches. When we jump, it goes “beep”. The quiz master calls on the first person to jump. If it is a verse he or she has to finish the verse. If the quiz master has not finished the question, he or she has to finish the rest and then give the answer. If the quiz master has finished, the person who jumps has to answer the question.
It’s fun, but my team is getting really good. It is hard for me to get medals for “quizzing out”. That means that I answer five perfect (perfect quiz out) or I answered two wrong and five right (imperfect quiz out). Three wrong is a backward quiz out and no medal.
Next year I want to do the book of Mark. But they will probably be a bit tougher than this year.
Winning…and losing
I checked my car in on the day of the Cub Scout Pine Wood Derby Race. It weighed too much! So Daddy had to cut down the weight. He used a Continue reading Winning…and losing
I have a new cousin!
I have a new cousin. Her name is Continue reading I have a new cousin!
Merry Christmas round the world (plus) Answers
Gesëende Kersfees Continue reading Merry Christmas round the world (plus) Answers