Tomorrow is Voting Day in the United States! It is important because it decides who will be the President of the United States (and other important jobs).
John McCain and Barack Obama are both running for President. I don’t know too much about them, but I do like the one better than the other.
If you do not vote, you are letting everyone else decide for you. If you do not vote, NO complaining!
If I could vote, I would look for a good Christian who believes that Jesus died on the cross and rose again.  Someone who would ask God for help on decisions. He or she needs to be honest. Someone who has had experience in being a good leader. I want him or her to be kind to his family.
I would not mind if a girl is elected if she’s the does the things above, but if she doesn’t that is different.
Momma and Daddy are going to vote and I am going to go with them. If you go vote, please tell me!
If you don’t live in the United States –or can’t vote like Uncle John– could you please tell me what kind of Government is in your country?
You are allowed to vote if you are a US citizen and 18 years old or older. You need to be registered.  I can vote in 8 years if it is on my birthday or after!
P.S. The 4th of November has been canceled according to my parents. You are allowed to vote and then sleep. It has been canceled this year because it’s my birthday and I am turning double digits.  AAAAAAAAH (says my mom!) But for my birthday being cancelled I say Argh! (That’s why I am being a pirate today!)
P.S.S. If you see Auntie Shirley (at the bookstore at Concord Mall) or Auntie Lefkia (from Swaziland 🙂 ) tell them Happy Birthday. Momma calls them my birthday twins!