First QSL Card!

First QSL card

Iron Horse JOTAI  got my First QSL Card!   QSL Cards are cards that  ham operators  exchange (if both have  one) when they contact someone new.

My first “contact” (other than Grandpa and Daddy) was from New York.  I had some help, Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) made the contact and I just got to talk.

Thank you for buying popcorn if you did.  As of when I turned it in, I was at the top of my pack.  My leader said that I had camp paid for 🙂 !

5 thoughts on “First QSL Card!”

  1. Mark, you missed part of the story. When you went up for your turn to talk to the ham from NY, you were asked your name. Instead of saying “Mark”, you said “KC9NYJ”. The gentleman on the radio looked at you like you just made up the call sign. You had to explain that you earned your license this summer 🙂

  2. Finally, my email ,is working. Congratualtions Mark on your QSL . Did you know that I give them to people for listening to remote Shortwave stations. If you can find us on TWR Swaziland on A stortwave station I will also send you a QSL!

    Aunty Lorraine

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