Christmas Surprise!!!!!!

EntranceA few  days ago we went to the CREATION  Museum in Kentucky!!!!!!!!!!!!       😮       8)         😉

We went  because   it was a Christmas Surprise from Oma!!!!!!    The Christmas Surprise was ffffffuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got to meet Ken Ham

I also met  Ken Ham  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He wrote a bunch of neat books about Creation and evolution.   He writes about how evolution is not true and God created the world in 6 – 24 hour days.  Creation is  true!

The 7 C’s of CreationWe learned about the   “7 C’s of Creation”.  They are  God Created everything.   Adam and Eve ate the fruit that God them not to and caused Corruption to the world.  Catastrophe happened when there was a world wide flood and God judged the world.  Noah and his family survived on the ark, but everybody else died because they chose not to listen to God.  Years later God Confused peoples languages at Babel.  The people where trying to build a tower that reached up to heaven.  Jesus Christ came as a baby and died on the Cross for when we disobey.  Then he rose again!  Consummation is when Jesus returns to the world.  He is going to take people who believe in him to heaven and judge the world.  Then he will  remake the world. It’s going to be perfect!

All of us holding a snake

My favorite thing was…give me a  year to think it over.  Because there was lots of neat things and I don’t know which one was my favorite.Another snake

A albino snakeFish eating fish

Here  are some things I saw.  Here is one of my favorite fossils–I call it fossilized meal! 🙂

There are lots more pictures and I will show you on another blog entry.  If you go on to Andrea’s blog, she will have some more pictures!T RexPoison Dart Frog

“Loch Ness” Monster?

Gettysburg Address

President Lincoln and his sonToday is the anniversary of the Gettysburg Address.   Abraham Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg Address to dedicate one of the places where the Confederate and Union armies fought.

They were fighting over slavery.   One side wanted to keep slaves and the other side did not.   It was the biggest battles of the Civil war. There were a LOT of casualties 🙁 .

I learned the Gettysburg Address.   Adrian learned part of it and so did the girls! I recorded lots of times, but only three of them worked.   Daddy edited it and here is the final result!

Here it is in an MP3 file so you can listen to it.

My Version of the Gettysburg Address


Life Cycle of a “Dragon”

Yesterday we went to Science Sleuths and we studied about metamorphosis.  For our craft we had to design a life cycle of something real or pretend.  I made a life cycle of a dragon.

It is not true because dragons are big lizards.  Lizards are reptiles.  Reptiles do not change too much.  They start off as eggs (mostly; some snakes lay live baby snakes) and then when they hatch, they are miniatures of the adult.

Metamorphosis is like a butterfly; egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa (chrysalis), and adult. Or a grasshopper which is egg, miniature of the adult, shedding skin, shedding skin, then adult.

Dragon eggNow for the pretend life cycle of a dragon.

First the adult lays  eggs in the snow.  When the egg hatches, it is an interesting lookingLarva with Fire Shooting Eyes larva because it because it looks like a person with three legs and fire spitting out of his or her eyes.   The larva is called a Thinga majigy. Then they have the pupa stage, which looks like a butterfly chrysalis.  It is black, green and yellow.  Then out hatches the adult.  Rather twisted and weird looking at the time.Pupa

There’s two kinds.   One is red and does not live where there is snow.  It is a lot stronger and has three horns.  They fly to a snowy mountain to lay their eggs.  They never see their eggs again.  The young learn everything on their own.

The blue ones are not quite as strong.  They are faster and thinner though.  They live in the snow.   They often see their eggs because they are usually laid right outside their caves.   All their larva is blue.  The Blue Dragons are more populous.Adults guarding treasure

The fire spitting out of their eyes show how strong they are going to be.  The females fight over the strongest male dragons because they want to mate with them.  Plus he is the most impressive.

Both colors turn green as they get older.  Their life span is 600-700 years.  🙂

I read a book called Dinosaurs of Eden by Ken Ham. I liked the book because it explains that evolutions wasn’t true. The Bible is true!

The dinosaurs were created on the sixth day. Not millions and millions of years ago, but about 6,000 years ago. People lived with the dinosaurs, because they were created by God on the 6th day.

It says that the country of Wales has a dragon picture on its flag.

Tamystropheus looks like a snake but most of the body is thicker. It looks like it has a beak. Theres a story about a peasant farmer who killed on of these dinosaurs in the middle ages. That time they do not think it was true. After awhile, they started to believe that it was true.

Dragons probably were what we call dinosaurs today.

Happy Birthday Great Grandma Bea!

 Wszystkiego najlepszego, Prababka!! Great Grandma Bea and Andrea

Happy Birthday Great Grandma!

Sto lat, sto lat, niech żyje żyje nam
Sto lat, sto lat, niech żyje żyje nam
Jeszcze raz, jeszcze raz, niech żyje żyje nam
Niech żyje nam!

Kocham ciebie!

She was born in 1918 and is osiemdziesiat dziewiec years old.

For those who don’t speak Polish, here is the translation in English!

A hundred years, a hundred years,
May she  live for us.
A hundred years, a hundred years,
May she live for us.
Once again, once again, may she live, live for us,
May she live for us!
I love you!

Kocham ciebie!

Dziekuje Matka for helping me.

(If you find any mistakes that I made, please help me correct them!  I want to learn as many languages as I can.  Momma helped me by looking these up!)


Great blog!

My Daddy writes a blog. The story he wrote today was written while we were in Swaziland. Only he was looking through e-mails and found it. He was remembering it.

Click here to read a great blog. Today’s story is about when a snake dropped in on Daddy! Me and my Daddy

I liked it a lot! Read it and let me know what you think of it!

This is a picture of Daddy and me after the snake dropped on him. It is in South Africa.

Daddy’s Blog

A true story (sort of)

Once upon a time Harold got a BB gun for Christmas. Harold was a little boy. Well, not exactly little; more like ten, eleven or twelve. He had dark hair; loved to get into micheif and loved horse and buggy toys and army men. He loved having stitches most of all!When he went on vacation he went to his aunt’s house in the UP of Michigan near Mana something. He would take a train and went over the Mackinaw Bridge. He went with his Ma.

One day he had a pocket knife and found a big fallen down tree stump which was tall. He whittled a target and practiced his aim. He did very good. He missed–out of 20 shots–two times! He hit the bulls-eye the rest of the time!

He brought his BB gun to his aunt’s house. She did not like noise, so she did not like guns because they are loud. Well, she did not like guns, so he hid it in the two Holder outhouse. He hid on the shelf in the outhouse under some bottles and thing a ma jigs.

His aunt found it later on and threw it down one of the holes. It was a very deeeeeeeeepeee hole. He was very sad. He liked his BB gun lots. It was his favorite present. He had heard a splash and she scolded him for bringing it.

He played with his pocketknife the rest of the summer which is very very quiet…

The true story is, that one day Grampa put his BB gun in a out house. When His aunt found it, she threw it down the hole. I expanded the story because there wasn’t enough!

Can you tell me some of your silly stories?