Song to Annoy your Parents in the Fall

Punky Pumpkin

Punky PumpkinI’ve got a friend who’s big and round

and all so golly gee whiz

lend me your ear and you will hear

just who this fellow is.

Punky Pumpkin the happy pumpkin

happy all the day

And his great big smile

will scare your cares away

Punky Pumpkin the happy pumpkin

never wears a frown

you can see that he’s cut out to be a clown

The candle light inside of him

makes his eyes light up and gleam

they shine right through the window at you

for a hap hap happy Halloween

Punky Pumpkin is a happy pumpkin

and do you know why?

Because he’s a jack o lantern

instead of being a pumpkin pie.

Found on “The White Cat” on the 16 August 1952 “Let’s Pretend” radio show.  You can listen to it here.  Look for the “White Cat” program and after you download it, the song is at the end of the program.

Thanksgiving Poem

Thanksgiving Poem

by Mark

The turkey says

Gobble Gobble Gobble, Help me!

 The people go

Gobble gobble, “I think I ate too much!”

two fun posts


I have a Story I know  you will love yesterday Daddy  and I   were  daring   each other  to see  who   could eat the most Tabasco Sauce.  I won by two or three spoonfuls, because Daddy put some dressing on it that looked exactly like hot sauce, only not so runny.  My reaction when I found out what was on the spoon was “gimme the real stuff!”

Happy Birthday Uncle Josh!

Self Portrait

This is what happens when you let a nine year old loose with a camera with a timer and a tripod.

Mark, age 9

Mark did this literally behind my back.  I was working on the computer on the other side of the room!

I love your goofiness, Mark!  Thank you for all the smiles.

I love you!
