Andrea learned to tie her shoe! She learned today, Tuesday the 13th of March! Continue reading Bragging about Andrea
Author: Mark
Quizzing 2
Here are some pictures of some of my friends Continue reading Quizzing 2
- I beat mama on Continue reading Chess
I want you to guess who they are in the picture. Continue reading Picture
The Thre Little Fish
(I rote this story all by myslf with a bit of help from Mama)
Oants opan a time thir were thre little fish.
Won day thar Mama sed to them “Go and make hawsis for yourslvs.” Continue reading The Thre Little Fish
School Days
This is me being silly. Can you guess who I am pretending to be? Continue reading School Days
Nutty about tracks
Guess what I learned at Nature Nuts?
Nature Nuts is a class at Oxbow Park. Miss Krista is the teacher and it is all about nature. Today we learned about tracks. A couple of times we have done birds, pumpkins, leaves, snow, and other things (and that is etc). I have held a sssssnake, turtles, salamander, and pretend scat! Continue reading Nutty about tracks
ufff… Daddy made us a great sledding hill. He put a couple of boards on our porch stairs. Then he put some snow on the hill he made, and we could sled down! Ufff!
When it was done we got to go sledding a couple of days.
We were trying to sled down the hill to the woods. We never made it, but we got close!
Here is a video of me sledding down the hill.
Sledding 5.1 MB avi (Right-click and select “Save Link As..” if will not play directly)
Sledding Small 755 kB wmv (much smaller version)
Bible verses about dinosaurs etc.
Leviathan looooooooooooooooook(look) in Job 41:1-34
Behemoth in Job 40:15-24
I did it all by my salf!
Dinosaurs and the Bible Conference
Daddy and I went to a conference at Maple City Chapel. Continue reading Dinosaurs and the Bible Conference