
Today I learned a new recipe. I wanted to cook, an ez “Indian” recipe and there was nothing that I could think of. I asked Maryam; she taught me how to make “Pakavrah”.The batter should be runny

Here it is..
Deep frying the potatoes
water (about half a bowl)
1/2 baby spoon ground turmeric
1/2 baby spoon garlic powder
3 hand fulls flour
1 baby spoon salt
3 potatoes, deskin them and cut them up into humongous penny type things or pancakes.

Put oil on the “pany-pan-pan” 🙂 Turn on the oven to “lite hi” put the potatoes in the mixture. Deep fry them, not to burnt, but a bit burnt. Take them out.

Taste them when cooled.Eat them!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 (After they cool down!)

I have only tried them plain, but Maryam told us about it and Momma likes them with tasteless yogurt. They are yum, yum, yum, yummy!

Owen and Mzee

A great big wave started near India and all the way to Kenya (called a tsunami) December 26, 2004 (called Boxing Day). A lot of bad things happened; houses were broken, lots of people died and other bad things.

One very good thing missionaries and other people came to help. Another good thing is a happy story. We read a story called Owen & Mzee; The Language of Friendship, by Isabella Hatkoff, Craig Hatkoff and Dr. Paula Kahumbu on our vacation. You can get the book from the Pierre Moran branch of the Elkhart Public Library.

The pictures are neat too, they go totally along with the story.

Owen is a baby hippo in the true story. His family did not survive the tsunami. But he was stranded on a coral reef. Finally someone named Owen tackled him so the other people could rescue him off the coral reef. He was as tall as Adrian and weighed 600 pounds! That’s a lot. That’s as much as Mommy and Daddy, and me and Adrian, and Audrey and Andrea and Maryam!  Which is a lot, right?

Mzee (mm-ZAY) is a 130 year old male Aldabra tortoise. An Aldabra tortoise is one of the largest tortoises in the world.

Owen and MzeeOwen and Mzee became friends. I am not sure how this happened, but they became really really really really really really… (and a hundred more reallys) good friends.

But now they are separated. Owen may hurt Mzee without intending too.

I want you to read the story, so I am not going to tell you anymore. It is interesting.

You can also look at what’s going on at Owen and Mzee’s website 🙂

Here’s a good one for kids about Owen and Mzee. It’s like a newspaper or newsletter.

My rating on this book is 500 out of 500. I like it a lot!

Can you tell me if you read the book? “Hey Mark, I read the book…!” (You can use other words if you want 🙂 )

Reasons to take a bath?

We were reading Mrs. Piggle Wiggle. The story that we are talking about today, a little girl did not want to take a bath! So her momma called Mrs. Piggle Wiggle and here is the cure. When she gets sooooo dirty you can plant radishes on her, plant radishes!Need a Bath?

Read the book to find out how to stop selfishness, and never want to go to bedders cure. So far I like it, but there is not much about Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, just a lot of her advice. So far it all works out!

Here are some poems about bathtime.

Dirty Lill, Dirty Lill,

Lived upon a garbage hill.

Never took a bath and never will!

Spit Kaphoohy! Dirty Lill.

Great Grandma told the poem to Oma when she was little!

Here is Audrey’s favorite one;

I have a tiny turtle, his name is Tiny Tim

I put him in the bathtub, to see if he would swim.

He drank up all the water, and ate up all the soap,

Now he’s home, sick in bed, with a bubble in his thoat!

Poor Tiny Tim!

Here’s a tongue twister to learn:

“Surely Sylvia swims!” Shrieked Sammy, surpised.

“Someone should show Sylvia some strokes so she shall not sink!”

So, Remember to take a bath!



Well, here is a poem I made up.“I said your finished!”

How can I do my spelling wen Adrian is getting on my school work again? 🙂

What is this?

A closer view

Do you know what this is???????? It’s a hole, I think some animal made it. I do not know what it is. We found it at the park.

Nile River Map


This was my 1/2 birthday cake. We made it. It is a map of the Nile River. We are learning about Egypt.


Answer to worms…

(Momma is letting me write this myself today!)

Worm (Thanks Wikipedia!)

Trivia Question! How do you know which side of a worm is the head ?

Tickle it and See wich side lafs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reley seeeeeeee the bump on the worm piktcher ? That is the tale, did you know that?


SOooooo, the batom side wood lafe on the worm in the pikcther. “he he he he!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who did that ?”

Nature Nutsssss!



Do you know the difference between a boy and a girl worm?

There is none !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trivia Question! How do you know which side of a worm is the head ? ///?////////>?/???????????????????????????????????????????

nn9.jpgWe learned about baby animals in Nature Nuts. I got to hold a “gobble gobble


gobble” poult — a turkey baby 🙂 . I also got to hold a baby “snakeling” and a baby “turtleling”.

It was fun. I got to make a baby bunn7.jpgnny using felt.nn6.jpg


Yummy Cookie Recipe

IngredientsYummy Oatmeal Cookies

About 3 dozen, but that depends on how much dough you eat.



3/4 cup butter softened (1 and 1/2 sticks)Don’t cry over spilt milk

1 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup sugar (we used 1/4 cup)

1/4 cup milk

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 cup soft white flour (you can use all purpose if you want)Add baking soda, measure carefully!

1 tsp cinnamon (we use a little more)

1/2 tsp baking soda

1/4 tsp salt

2 3/4 cups oatmeal (we used quick oats, but you can use any kind)

1/4 cup wheat germ (but you can use another 1/4 cup oatmeal)

1 cup chocolate chips (we used half dark chocolate M&M’s too) Put it over the brim a bit and eat the ones on top.“Snitch some chocolate chips while adding”

1/2 cup raisins

1/2 cup dried cranberries

1/4 tsp secret ingredient (optional)

Lots of love!

Wash your hands with soap and aqua! Do it again! 🙂 So you get all the junk off of them.

This is what the dough should look likeCombine butter, brown and white sugars, (snitch right after you cream in the sugar and brown sugar) milk, egg (wash your hands again) and vanilla and secret ingredient if you know it. Beat until light and fluffy. Mix in salt, cinnamon, baking soda, and flour. Stir well. Add oatmeal, raisins and candy. Snitch some dough before you bake them.

Drop by teaspoonfuls onto baking sheet (greased). You can roll them in sugar if you want, or put M&M’s on top.

Bake for 12 to 15Ask Momma for help if oven is hot! (This is still cold) minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Momma usually puts them in the oven; it could burn you if you get too close. Watch that they don’t get too brown.ctsp.jpg

Let Momma take them out. (Audrey says, “or Daddy”)Cool on wire rack and then eat them ! 🙂 Freeze some or share them.

Andrea said, “we share some and let someone help us eat them.”

Let Daddy snitch some cookies when they are done and still warm. Don’t let Momma, because she will eat too many, especially with the chocolate chips and M&M’s.

Make sure when you are all done You clean it all up! Or your Momma may not let you bake again.

Eat the cookies