What to do with an Old Box.

Momma let us have a box from Grandpa.  Momma said to make something out of it.

Here’s how to make a sleigh.

  1. Cut off all the flaps except for one. Make sure it is one of the thinner ones or it won’t look like a sleigh.
  2. On the front end, near the flap cut two doors. The cut off sides should be as big as your two palms making a V.
  3. Decorate the box.
  4. Make “presents” and put them in the sleigh.
  5. Put a rocking horse (maybe) to pull the sleigh.
  6. Have fun.
  7. Have lots of fun!

    Santa’s sleigh

    Have a Merry Christmas!

Which is Santa’s favorite Reindeer?

Prancer and all of us.My favorite is Prancer. We met her today at the Farmer’s Market. I liked her. I wished that I could have petted her more. It was fun! This is as big as she is going to get!

We are wearing our Santa’s hats because she might not like us because she is used to Santa and his elves. The hats make us look like elves Momma says. (But why was she not wearing one when we got a picture with her andVisiting Prancer Adrian?)

Adrian did not like her, so he isn’t in the picture.

They are taking care of Prancer a few days until Santa needs her. At least that is what Grandpa says!

A true story (sort of)

Once upon a time Harold got a BB gun for Christmas. Harold was a little boy. Well, not exactly little; more like ten, eleven or twelve. He had dark hair; loved to get into micheif and loved horse and buggy toys and army men. He loved having stitches most of all!When he went on vacation he went to his aunt’s house in the UP of Michigan near Mana something. He would take a train and went over the Mackinaw Bridge. He went with his Ma.

One day he had a pocket knife and found a big fallen down tree stump which was tall. He whittled a target and practiced his aim. He did very good. He missed–out of 20 shots–two times! He hit the bulls-eye the rest of the time!

He brought his BB gun to his aunt’s house. She did not like noise, so she did not like guns because they are loud. Well, she did not like guns, so he hid it in the two Holder outhouse. He hid on the shelf in the outhouse under some bottles and thing a ma jigs.

His aunt found it later on and threw it down one of the holes. It was a very deeeeeeeeepeee hole. He was very sad. He liked his BB gun lots. It was his favorite present. He had heard a splash and she scolded him for bringing it.

He played with his pocketknife the rest of the summer which is very very quiet…

The true story is, that one day Grampa put his BB gun in a out house. When His aunt found it, she threw it down the hole. I expanded the story because there wasn’t enough!

Can you tell me some of your silly stories?


Macaw eating seeds

Petting parrots
One of the parrotsWe went to Nature Nuts and learned about birds. We saw a Senegal Parrot, an Amazon parrot, a macaw, some parakeets, Zebra Finches and one Finch she did not remember what kind it was.

You can tell a boy parakeet from a girl parakeet (on certain kinds) by the blue on his beak by his nose. If it is blue, it is a boy. The girls are white on certain kinds. It is considered an extra small parrot because of its beak. If it has a beak that looks like a parrot, it is considered a parrot!

Reading to classI had lots of fun there. I read a story. I think it was called “Who Made the Morning?” A little bird was looking to see who made this beautiful morning. He discovered God did! Then he went to discover where God lives. He learned God does not live anywhere, He is EVERYWHERE! IPirate Mark did pretty good except I got quiet every so often. Momma said that I need to learn to TALK LOUDER when I am reading.

I held one of the parrots (the Senegal). Miss Krista said I was a genuine pirate!

“Feeding” ChickadeesWhen we went outside, I tried to feed some Chickadees. Hand feed! IChickadee, a curious bird! stayed as still as I could, held out my hand with some food in it and went “st ts st”. Chickadees are very curious birds. If you do that long enough, they probably will eat out of your hand. But, they didn’t this time!Feeding Macaw

I fed the Macaw inside. It was fun. When I first tried it, it was a little scary. They are huge birds. They are strong too. This one bent the bars of one of its cages. His owner tried to bend it back, but she couldn’t.

A leaf footed shield bug

We always help clean up after class.

Momma’s getting brave!