Today I got my call sign, it is kc9nyj.
It is important because it is kind of like my name.
Phonetically it is Kilo Charlie 9 November Yankee Juliet 🙂
Today I got my call sign, it is kc9nyj.
It is important because it is kind of like my name.
Phonetically it is Kilo Charlie 9 November Yankee Juliet 🙂
All I remember about decided to study for my amateur radio test, is sitting on the couch, reading a library book. The book was the ham radio one, I don’t quite remember why it made me excited, but I do remember starting the class the beginning of May.
How I learned about my test was reading the radio book, and writing down the answers–I am surprised I did not get writers cramp because I was part of a class. (Grandpa offered to take me to the class and got the book for me). I think there were 5 people besides me in class. all of them where older.
The class itself was tell the answers of the questions that were asked in a notebook that the teacher gave me. I thought for the homework if I didn’t have Momma to help me, I would DEFINITELY get writers cramp. I just read the book if we didn’t do the homework. I could answer most of the questions by memory when the teacher asked the questions.
The test was sort of easy once I understood what it would be like. The real test was different than the practice tests I got at home. It was set up differently and the orange paper threw me off the most.
I was really nervous taking my test, so thank you for praying for me. It helped me a lot.
I did not pass it on the first try. When I did not pass it on the first try I felt bad. I missed it by one–which made matters worse. I knew I could retake it then but I still felt sad.
The second time I passed it and then I tried the General Class test. I got half of the General questions right. It was not enough to pass. But I did better than Momma!
Now I am waiting for my call sign. It’s kind of like my name and it helps identify where you got your license from, but not where you are.
Depending if I use a base station or a hand held radio, I can talk around the world on the radio!
Here are three of the questions I needed to know. Do you know the answers to them?
What is the term used to describe opposition to current flow in ordinary conductors such as wires?
A. Inductance
B. Resistance
C. Counter EMF
D. Magnetism
What formula is used to calculate resistance in a circuit?
A. Resistance (R) equals voltage (E) multiplied by current (I)
B. Resistance (R) equals voltage (E) divided by current (I)
C. Resistance (R) equals voltage (E) added to current (I)
D. Resistance (R) equals voltage (E) minus current (I)
What is the resistance of a circuit when a current of 3 amperes flows through a resistor connected to 90 volts?
A. 3 ohms
B. 30 ohms
C. 93 ohms
D. 270 ohms
It was a hard test but I passed my Amateur Radio Technician test!
I also tried an Amateur Radio General test because it was free to try and I got 16 right without studying and I needed 26 correct to pass. So now I am going to work on Morse Code and my General license.
Thanks for praying.
Thursday (10 July) evening at 7:00 I am going to have a test that I have been wanting to do for a LOOOOONNNNGGGG time. This is my first test so I am very nervous. Would you please pray for me not to be so nervous? And that I have fun and that I pass it. Please pray that if I don’t pass it, I remember that it is okay and there is another test soon I can take.
Thank you!
The Hobbit was very good. I did not quite like it from the beginning because it was slow. Then it got fun, then it got slow again and it kept doing that. I kept reading because I wanted to read the Battle of the Five Armies in it.
The elves, dwarfs, the Lake People, and a Hobbit were the good guys. They were fighting bad wolves, bats and (I think) Ogres.
The funniest part of the story was wolves + pinecones + Gandolf (the magician) = fireworks!
The story is about Thorin (one of the dwarfs) being one of the kings under the mountains going to kill the dragon, Smug to get his kingdom back. He died. Bilbo (the Hobbit) went back home with Gandolf. The rest of the dwarfs stayed (minus two who died too).
Gullom (I don’t know what he is because I am so confused!) has a ring that makes people disappear. Bilbo finds it laying on the ground when he is in the cave where Gullom is.
The ring helps Bilbo sneak past a lot of people. It helps fight in a war with his knife he calls Sting. I think it is a good ring.
I would recommend the story, but it does get a little slow. I won’t tell you all the fun things, so that you can read it!
I think I will read it again… when I get older.
Right now I am reading The Legend of Anne Murphy. It is a lot easier to read!
I have been at Nature Explorer Day Camp. At camp I knew Andrea, Lucas, Miss Krista and David. Continue reading Nature Explorer Camp!
Saturday we went dancing. It was Miss Krista’s birthday party.
We learned a few dances; the Virginia Reel and Square dancing and the Salty Dog Rag. Continue reading My Weekend
Miss Krista is my science teacher. She is a Naturalist at Oxbow Park. She also teaches Science Sleuths and Nature Nuts. This summer she is going to (like last year) do a science camp! Andrea and I are going to science camp.
I am writing about Miss Krista because it is her birthday today.
Miss Krista is a good teacher. I like doing most of the science things she does.
She helped me earn my Cub Scout Conservation Award. She let me help put up some Bluebird boxes. We made the bluebird boxes a couple of weeks ago.
The day before Audrey’s birthday we put up the bluebird boxes. We brought the poles and the boxes and everything else we needed. We hammered in the poles, unless they were already in; then we replaced the broken bluebird boxes. Then we screwed them on.
An interesting thing we learned was Swallows and Bluebirds will “babysit” each others houses (or hotels) if they are near each other. We put ours 20 feet apart, if it is too close they may fight. When we were too close to the one house, the swallows would– “hey look out where you are going”–dive bomb us! “Look out!”
Before we left we checked the rest of the unbroken Bluebird boxes for baby bluebirds. (Say that out loud five times fast!) If there were baby bluebirds are baby swallows in the bluebird boxes, we were glad. We put up twelve boxes in about three hours!
She’s taught me about all sorts of interesting things; like scat–my favorite–, salamanders, turkeys, animal tracks, and all sorts of other things.
Have a great birthday and have fun Miss Krista.
Thank you for being such a wonderful teacher!
Here is a dragon fly and a boing!–Jumping–Spider that we saw while working.
Laetus natalis, tibi. Laetus natalis, tibi.
Laetus natalis, tibi.
Laetus natalis, cara, Laetus natalis, tibi.
Guess what language this is and why I did it!
Yesterday was Audrey’s birthday. She is now five years old!
She is fun. Like when she is trying to stand on her head, she falls every few seconds. She says “I did it for 92 seconds!” She plays lots.
She loves “”Georgies”. So far she has a collection of four Curious Georgies, plus uno mas. She will get that one when we have her cake tonight. She is wanting a Georgie cake for her family birthday.
She loves duckies and playing with her sister. She loves horses. She
also loves babies.
Now for the answer. I want to learn Latin, so that is why the Happy Birthday song is written in Latin. Momma helped me find it. I want to learn Latin because I want to understand the English words that started in Latin more and it will help me understand the Asterix books a little better.