“Working Weekend”

“Working Weekend”Finished woodpileOn Friday we went to Skyview Ranch for a “work weekend”.  We had clean the archery range.  We put wood on a pile so someone could clean it up.  We also raked leaves and rocks and sticks in the adventure obstacle course.

The animals run (or walk) free (except for the pigs). Dudley, the burro (or donkey) likes to roam around the food place!  I learned how to ride him.

Learning to ride a horse

Daddy and I  rode a horse.  I was nervous at first but felt better later.


Learning to paddle a canoeI learned to canoe with Reece and Cardin and my new friends Micah and Joshua.  I also got “blobbed” by Daddy and Cardin and slid down the water slide.   Playing with Daddy

Going down water slide

I tried to get rid of my poison ivy (see this).

Reece and Cardin were in a “walking parade.”  We followed them to the cemetery and then they had a memorial service for the people who fought (and are fighting) in the military for Memorial Day.

Learning to ride DuncanMemorial Day “Walking Parade”Best of all I got to play with Reece and Cardin!!!!


Yesterday, Mama FORGOT HER MATH!!!!

The question was “Half of a gallon is a half gallon.  Half of a half gallon is a quart.  Half of a quart is a pint.  Half of a pint is a cup.  A cup is what fraction of a quart?

Mama said, “1\12”.  I said, “1\4”.

I was right.

Congratulations, Uncle Phil!

Uncle Phil is graduating from Grace College today!  He will to be a nurse (soon), the graduation is at Bethel College.

My team won our soccer game (7 to 4!).  I am learning how to make make french toast for snack.  Then we are going to go for a picnic at Bethel, then we are going to Uncle Phil’s graduation.

Congratulations, Uncle Phil!

I love you loots!

Happy Graduation day to you,

Happy Graduation day to you,

Happy Graduations day Uncle Phil!

Happy Graduation day to you.

Bobcat Surprise!

Learning how it worksLearning to driveToday after the soccer game, Grandpa took Audrey and me home with him to pick some stuff up.  Mr Jason and his dad were finishing working on Grandpa’s driveway.

Grandpa asked Mr. Jason if  I could ride in the bobcat, and Mr. Jason said why can’t he drive it?  So he taught me how to drive a bobcat and I even got to drive it by myself back to Mr. Jason’s house.

It was lots and lots and lots and lots and a couple more lots of fun.  Oh, I forgot to put another lot in.  I WANT to do it again.

Grandpa took a couple of pictures, and here they are.

Driving Mr. Jason home

Working hard.Picking up scoop by myself!

P.S.  I will tell you about my soccer game next week!


 Today is Grandpa’s birthday!

He likes to

give me –and everybody else– a hard time,

bring us pizza and he took me to  radio class.

He plays the Trumpet and the French Horn.

 Grandpa’s Graduation Day with his brothers

Great Grandma Lamb and GrandpaHappy birthday to you, 

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear Grandpa

Happy birthday to you!


I love you Grandpa!

Grandpa is a character!


Just having fun

My uniformAdrian wants to play too!

I am doing  Soccer, (more like learning Soccer) and it is lloootsss of fun. I have wanted to play for awhile.  Daddy knows how to play Soccer–bare foot!  Mama does not even play.

I have been passing to Adrian who throws it back 🙂 .

The hardest thing is staying with the ball.  Last night  was my first practice with shin guards.  I had more fun last night because I was not afraid of getting kicked in the shin.

If you want to see me play my games are all on Saturdays.
All my games are at Northside Church of the Nazarene Church at 9:00 a.m.  Here is my Soccer Game Schedule, home games are in blue :

18 April     Field 5                        25 April      Field 6

  2 May     Field 4                           9 May       Field 4

16 May      Field 4                        30 May        Field 5

  6 June     Field 4                         13 June       Field 5

Field  5 is middle next to the parking lot

Field  6 is Right from the parking lot

Field 4 is left  from the parking lot