Five Minutes of Fame

That is one big camera!

We will be on TV soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cindi Clawson (the weekend weather person) from WNDU, came over to interview us on how to make maple syrup. She had called the Parks department and two other people were unavailable. Miss Krista knew we made maple syrup and called us to see if we would do the interview. Daddy and Mommy said yes, we could!

The interview started with Mommy talking about why we make maple syrup. I talked about how we make syrup. Mrs Clawson put a lapel mike on me and asked me questions and I answered them.When we were done, she said I did a good job. I got to do the talking because I am the oldest of the kids and most of the syrup is our responsibility. The girls each got to do something in the video, Adrian was not interested! Daddy made pancakes for after and talked about how to finish it up.

The segment is not all us because Mrs Clawson had done a BIG sugar camp earlier.  When the segment is on I’ll tell you because Mrs. Clawson did not know. She commented to have someone tape the segment for us to keep.

Merry Christmas!

There were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,
“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”

So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.

Luke 2:8-20 NIV

Ring of Fire

Not too bad
Not to bad

Yesterday we went to the fair. I asked to go on the Ring of Fire. I wanted to do something very daring. I am glad Daddy came with me!

I liked it but did not at the same time. I would try the straight up and down ride before trying this one again.

Here are some pictures momma took.

Umm, can we go right side up again?

4-H Update

I earned a red ribbon for my candle. Meaning it did not do as well as a blue, but did good. The judge said to work on getting rid of air bubbles (there were some on the bottom of the candle) and to finish my seams better (there was a funny line around the top).  But everything else was “well done”.

The judge wrote “great color!” I used an old white candle that I added one brown crayon. I used Turkish Mocha to scent it.  Momma really likes it!

I earned an Honor Ribbon for this one.  Honor is better than a blue.  It means it is very very good. The only way you can get to very very very good (the “big” ribbons) is by getting to honor.

The judge said that I had a nice display. “She” did not like how I had the numbers ordered. She thought that picture 9 told a good story. Number 2 was an interesting arrangement (It took me a half hour to an hour trying to get that!) She liked the portraits 1 and 4 and thought picture 6 had nice framing.

I also earned an Honor ribbon for this poster.  The judge thought that the numbers should be “smaller–perhaps in lower right hand corner” of the pictures. She checked that I did everything excellently; imagination, composition, labeled neatly and that I had excellent contrast, exposure and lighting.  Momma said great! Black and Whites are hard to get “excellent”.

The bike picture was the only one that I was trying to get in black and white. I did not want that in color at all.

I feel good about this  year. I did it ALL by myself. Daddy and Momma helped me with the approving the final layout and cutting out the construstion paper, but I did everything else!

Meeting Pooh Bear

PoohToday, we have a guest writer; Adrian!

We went to the play to watch Pooh.  It was Pooh Bear’s birthday! They threw candy for us (for our present).

I liked the first part when Pooh was needing to go to the top tree because he needed honey. Piglet was staying there till the bees came out, then she got Christopher Robin.

Pooh Bear was funny.  I liked him.

In the next one Little Kanga said she did not need to go home. Then she wanted her momma because she was sick because she ate a bunch of candy.

The next one, Pooh was funny. He was stuck because he ate too much honey and marmalade and it was his birthday and then Piglet got pie in the face!

Then the people in the play gave presents to people who helped them with the play. I am glad I went.  Thank you Oma and Opa!

There was not a Tigger there, but I was happy because I was Tigger!

Meeting Forest Friends

Crossing Over

Awhile ago we went to Blue and Gold. It is a big party  with lots of food and Cub Scout rank badges. This year I got my Arrow of Light. I also crossed over. We tried to get some pictures but did not get many good ones 🙁 so Mr. Buckler, a friend’s Grandpa sent us most of these.

When I crossed over, I got some pewter Scouts. I think they are from a early 1900 mold.  I will have to check that out.  No Uncle Joe, you can not have them for your pewter collection!

Crossing Over

Brand New Boy Scout 2010Friday I crossed over from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts! This is my new uniform and neckerchief.

Because I am a Lone Scout–a scout who does not have a troop–but can go between troops, I got to design my own neckerchief. We made it big, because they are changing it to a larger size. The colors represent what I want to become. Red for courageous and determined, Orange for creative and Blue for having perseverance, Truth and Faith in Jesus Christ.

Right now I am trying to get my Scout Badge–which is the first badge in Boy Scouts, so I can earn Tenderfoot next. My goal is to eventually earn Eagle.

I will share some pictures on my Crossing Over later.

Brand New TigerCub 2006Just for fun, Momma found some pictures of when I started Scouts as a Tiger Cub and my Tiger Cub Crossing over to Wolf Cub. Uncle Dave was my original Scout leader.  Daddy was my Den Leader.  Now Daddy is my Lone Scout Leader.2006 Tiger cub crossing overTiger crossing over 2006

Maple Syrup Weather

We got some plastic taps and tubes last year. When we were sure the sap was dripping–the weather was warming up–we went outside, bored a hole in our Maple tree and put the taps in. We put some holes in the lids of some milk jugs, put the tubes in the hole, put the lids on the milk jugs, and let it sit in a bucket.  That way if it overflowed, we would not lose it all.

Then we collected the sap for a week and on Monday started to boil it down. We started out doing it inside–which is not recommended unless you do not mind a very humid house– and then moved it outside when we got the outside stove done.

The stove was easy to make if you can carry the cinder blocks.  We took four cinder blocks and put them in two rows with a separation between it. We used the racks from our oven to hold the pots. (We learned not to use your good cooking pots because it gets all sooty and black.  Daddy bought us some 14 quart flat pans for our next batch.  We will try soaping the bottoms of the pan to see if that helps.) Daddy designed a chimney.  If smoke gets in the sap, the syrup does not taste very good.  Then you put a fire under it and boil the sap.

Then you sit around and make sure the fire keeps going.  Try to persuade your Mom to let you roast sausages and invite neighbors to see what you are doing. Do not put cold sap with hot sap, it could make the syrup darker.  The darker the syrup is the less fancy it is.  We used two pots and poured the boiling sap in the large container when there was room.  Take off foam when it boils.  When it is almost syrup, you strain it to get the sugar sand out.  Then you finish boiling it.  We checked to see if it was done by seeing how it ran on the spoon and tasting it! It took all day to boil it all down and some of the next day.

Let it sit overnight, keeping it cool.  Heat it to 180 degrees and can it in sterilized jelly jars.  When you are hungry you make pancakes or waffles.  Put them on your plate and cover them with your maple syrup.  Enjoy!