Count Down to Thanksgiving

Momma gave us a fun assignment for this month.  Everyday we need to find one thing we are thankful for and post it.  (She came up with the idea today, so I can catch up on the other 5 days)

Today’s Is

I am thankful for friends


Some things Thomas and I like to do together;

  • make videos;                                         LEGO attack BOoM
  • build forts;
  • play games
  • and lots more!

P.S.  We made this fort in our backyard behind the old pond thing in the woods. 🙂

!!!New Crea!!!

Look at me! I have a new jacket and I am ready for my nap. Then I am going to get my “hair” done, then it is nap time, then it is snack time, then it is lunch time…”

A new Crea was born today!!! His name is Chirpa.

Chirpa is a good name for him because Chirpa is a Ewok (small and fuzzy) and Chirpa is a Alpaca Crea (fuzzy and currently small).

The reason he has a green jacket on is because he was shivering.

I think Chirpa looks like a tiny white giraffe with a crea blanket on.

“Can you dye my “hair” blue?”
“NO! You may not!”
“But M—“
“DON’T But Mom me.”


The other day we saw something that looked like a Sasquatch in our back yard!!

It was big hairy and greenish.

When they saw it the girls screamed!!!!!!!

I went to get the camera and was able to get a picture.

We have not seen it since.


Quiet! Sleeping crea (a baby alpaca is called a crea).

Yesterday Andrea and I went to work like normal. But it was not normal!

When Andrea and I went to bring the Alpacas  in to eat we noticed that there was one extra black alpaca! We counted again to make sure we did not count one twice. We counted one more time to make sure we did not count one twice twice! 🙂

We ran in to tell Mrs. Beer. She was surprised too, because we thought the creas were due at the end of the month.  She carried the crea into the barn, and Chewbacca, the crea’s big brother, followed. He also came in a few times to check on his mom!

I ran to tell Mommy, Audrey and Adrian. They put on their alpaca boots and came over with Megan.

The creas mom is Ruby Tuesday. She is the Alpaca who is following me.

When they got there, I got  to carry the crea to a stall so the crea would not get confused over who was its Momma. Ruby Tuesday, the crea’s Mom, followed us.

They have to stay in the stall for a few days so the crea does not get hurt and so they can bond well.

As of now, we suspect it is a boy, but have not officially checked. The Beers will tell us the baby’s name soon.

UPDATE 4 May 2012:  HER name is Queen Amidal.

Guest Speaker, Adrian

Adrian has had  a loose tooth for a little while.  This morning when I got up he was very exited that his tooth had fallen out! Here is his story on what happed.

Today, my lost tooth came out while I was eating a donut (bagel). I was eating the bagel. I felt a wet tooth, it was my loose tooth. It came out! It didn’t hurt.  It bounced on to the table and then I picked it up. It was my tooth.

I went to the bathroom, opened the door a little bit where Daddy was shaving. I hold out my hand with my tooth on my hand showing Daddy. He was like, “what you doing with your hand out?” Then I showed Momma and then I showed Andrea and Audrey. I showed it to Megan but she did not understand what it was. So I showed her where my loose tooth was. She did not understand still. I showed my tooth first and Mark was wondering what it was. I showed him where my loose tooth was.

Then Momma took a picture of me holding my tooth and showing where my loose tooth was. I am going to put it under my pillow for the tooth fairy!

4-H Surprise

This year for 4-H I chose to do a molded candle. We made one out of a Pringle’s jar but I did not like that one because it was not different.

I really wanted to do a egg candle. We cut a hole out of a blown egg, put the wick through the top of the egg and then I poured the wax with the shell upside down. I kept the wax white because I hoped it would look like a real hardboiled egg. We let it cool. Then I filled it up the rest of the way because the wax sank. I took the shell off the candle. I dipped it in wax so that it was smoother and pushed the bottom down on a hot pan so it was flat. Oma found me the perfect egg cup to display it.

I liked the egg a LOT better than the Pringle’s one. Mom said when she dropped off the candle, the checker inners, asked if we had been in Germany because they have that kind of egg there. Mom thought they liked it.

On the first day of the fair, we got a call from Auntie Lilly. She said that Momma would be a proud Momma, but she would not tell how well we did. On Sunday, my 4-H Leader said “Congratulations!” but would not tell how well I did, since I did not know yet. We went to the fair after church and saw that I got a Champion Ribbon! That is the highest I can get because candles do not go to State Fair. My candle was chosen as the best by the judges! When we got the paper saying how well I did, the judge asked “I wonder how many egg shells that took?” Momma said that she was told by my leader the egg was perfect!

My goal for next year is to do better on my pictures. I earned honors this year, but would like to do better.

The Leap

At camp, the Junior Highers got to do THE LEAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was fun. To do it you

  1. got in the harness
  2. prayed with your councilor
  3. climbed
  4. and climbed
  5. and climbed
  6. and climbed
  7. got on to the platform
  8. and jumped!!!!
  9. If we wanted to, we could try to hit the red ball.

As I was climbing, I wished I had chosen the shorter Leap. When I got to the top, I was still wishing that. As soon as I got to the ground after jumping, I was glad that I did the big one.  Since the small ones were not so tall, they would not have been so much fun. I wish I could do it again. I would have gone for the ball!


Two Times Passed in Secret!

Last year, Momma and I decided to try to get a higher ham license then Grandpa. He only has an Advanced, so we secretly took the class for General in July 2010. I PASSED and kept it a secret for almost a year 🙂 !!!!!

Since there is not a class for Extra, we practiced at home. I took the test a week ago and PASSED again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, for Grandpa’s birthday, we made a shirt to tell him. He was surprised because we did it all in secret.

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday dear Grandpa

Happy birthday to you.