This year for 4-H I chose to do a molded candle. We made one out of a Pringle’s jar but I did not like that one because it was not different.
I really wanted to do a egg candle. We cut a hole out of a blown egg, put the wick through the top of the egg and then I poured the wax with the shell upside down. I kept the wax white because I hoped it would look like a real hardboiled egg. We let it cool. Then I filled it up the rest of the way because the wax sank. I took the shell off the candle. I dipped it in wax so that it was smoother and pushed the bottom down on a hot pan so it was flat. Oma found me the perfect egg cup to display it.
I liked the egg a LOT better than the Pringle’s one. Mom said when she dropped off the candle, the checker inners, asked if we had been in Germany because they have that kind of egg there. Mom thought they liked it.
On the first day of the fair, we got a call from Auntie Lilly. She said that Momma would be a proud Momma, but she would not tell how well we did. On Sunday, my 4-H Leader said “Congratulations!” but would not tell how well I did, since I did not know yet. We went to the fair after church and saw that I got a Champion Ribbon! That is the highest I can get because candles do not go to State Fair. My candle was chosen as the best by the judges! When we got the paper saying how well I did, the judge asked “I wonder how many egg shells that took?” Momma said that she was told by my leader the egg was perfect!
My goal for next year is to do better on my pictures. I earned honors this year, but would like to do better.
Mark, I am proud of you. You tried many times and could not get what you wanted. You kept working hard to perfect a vague idea that you knew would work.
Your perseverance paid off! I am very proud of how hard you worked. Even without a special ribbon, I would still be a “very proud Momma”.
Keep working on the hard things you dream about doing!
can you make us some champion quality egg candles? congrats!
Aunty Lorraine