Happy 4th of July



The old and the newWe have been having Lots and lots and lots and ……lots and lots of fun. Firework fun to be exact! Here are some pictures of this weekend!


These pictures are from the Freedom Fest at Goshen Airport. I would recommend it to everybody! We were there all day!


Isn’t he cute?Here is the Dragonator! Isn’t he cute. He ate a Coke can and scared my sisters and brother (who is a troublemator! 🙂 )More fireworks!

Fireworks!Still more fireworks!




Audrey hurts!…and Momma says, “hopefully the last ever!”….

Audrey broke her collar bone. I don’t know how she fell of the bed or what she was doing.

She cried! I felt the ground vibrating when she cried. She was crying so loud! Momma says it sounded like her extremely tired cry! I wondered what she did.

We were not sure if it would feel better the next day or not. We waited.Where she hurt herself

The doctor said she broke her collar bone. He said to do nothing, give her Advil, and not to use her arm much.    That’s all the details that I can think of.

She is feeling a bit better.

Pray that she feels better quickly!


I have Painted Lady Butterflies. They just came out of the chrysalises a couple of days ago; Audrey calls them crystals.

They are not real big. Momma told me they were mating last night, I got to watch them. I am waiting for eggs!

Here is the caterpillar/butterfly chart

  • 9 June received caterpillars in mail-all wiggle
  • 10 June Eating, growing, spinning “webs”
  • 11 June 18-20 mm long
  • 12 June approximately 30-35mm long! Lots of wiggling, more “web thinga majigys”
  • 13 June approximately 40 mm long
  • 14 June Making chrysalis’s upside down, 9:30 p.m all hanging upside down
  • 15 June Chrysalises completed
  • 17 June Chrysalises hardened, time to move to butterfly garden home
  • 21 June 3 Butterflies emerged overnight, I missed because I was at Reece and Cardin’s house. Messing up their house with “Meconium” (leftover tissue from developing into butterflies)
  • 21 June 2 Butterflies emerged before 10:30, I missed because I was at Scout Camp.
  • Put flowers in cage and put sugar water of fresher flowers to feed butterflies.
  • 24 June Butterflies mating, hoping for eggs!

They look nice. I would recommend growing butterflies.

Scout camp was fun. I got to make a rocket; it was fun. I got to earn beads doing activities; it was fun. I learned that the number one pollution in Elkhart, IN can be reduced (I don’t remember what it is but it was with the fish). I got four shots total in the middle (bulls eyes) in both times I shot the BB’s; it was fun. I got to play with Reece and Cardin, Cody and Lucas, and James; it was fun 🙂 !

It was fun, I want to do it next year.

p.s. My very favorite things were nature walks, the BB’s and seeing the fish.

Two stories about Caterpillars

This is from Audrey:

AudreyI love caterpillars. Sometimes we see a big caterpillar and sometimes we see little caterpillars. We have 5 caterpillars in our house. Soon they will turn into butterflies. I just know that! I always like caterpillars. I so much love caterpillars!

Our caterpillars are turning their crystals. They are spinning their web into crystals. They are almost ready to turn into crystals, they go into their crystals, and they will turn into butterflies.

I like to watch them because they are my favorite thing. Hee hee hee.

Oma taught me this. (I love you Oma!)

I have a fuzzy little caterpillar. He wiggled long, he wiggled short, he wiggled right to me. I put him in a covered box, “Don’t go away” I said. Then I peeked inside and saw a butterfly! I could never make one, if I even tried. Only God in heaven can make a butterfly!

Here is a story from Andrea.

AndreaI like caterpillars because they turn into butterflies. I like caterpillars because they hatch out of eggs. I like caterpillars because them make cocoons. I like caterpillars because I do like them.

I like pink butterflies because I like pink. I like pink, purple and blue. There are also orange ones and white ones. I saw one color white butterfly with orange stripes on the porch.

I also like butterflies because they are beautiful!

I also like butterflies because them fly around different states, like America, Pakistan, Florida, Indiana and South Africa. Them fly all over the States!

Keep you updated on our caterpillars.  They are starting to spin chrysalis.   They are all at the top their lid.

Riddle from Miss Phyllis

Miss Phyllis is our “adopted” Great Grandma. When Great Grandma went to the nursing home, I made friends with her. She was at Great Grandma’s table at lunch. Then when Great Grandma died, she became our adopted Great Grandma.

We went to visit after a dentist appointment (my teeth are good 🙂 ).

She told us this riddle:

What eats everything, but if you give it water, it dies?”

Guess the answer, I will tell you the answer later!

P.S. My caterpillars are more than double the size of when I got them!

P.P.S.S. Auntie Candy and Uncle Micheal had a little baby boy! Congratulations!

P.P.P.S.S.S. His name is Cassion River and he was little! I have not seen him yet. I think he looks like a cross between Simone (his big sister) and a baby.

Quiston answered …

Bird nest picture taken by my grandpaOOOOPPPSSSS 🙂 ! “Quiston” is spelled “question”.

I asked this question the second blog ago.
Do you know what type of eggs this nest has in it?

… and the little(blue) one is a robin egg.Cowbird, thanks Wikipedia :)

The big! three times ones, which equals three, are “Cowbird” eggs. This is a Cowbird. The Momma Cowbirds “steal space” in what ever kind of bird nests that they can find pretty much to lay their eggs there.

The Cowbird babies hatch before the other ones and they are bigger. They steal most of the food that the other birds Momma brings. They get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger…. and start another mischievous family.

Audrey’s birthday


Audrey is 4 to day!!!!!!!!!!!

Audrey likes Curious George and duckies and horses.

She had fun at the Cleveland Zoo, which is the picture on the top. Her favorite were the “baby monkey’s” and the “big one messing up the paper”. Those are her quotes. Audrey with Casteel and Ballet Teacher Audrey’s first recital

Audrey had her first “dance recital” the1st. She did really well.

Happy birthday Audrey!