Very Interesting News Article

I learned about this first from Oma.  Her brother sent an e-mail to her, that’s how she learned about it.

ABear rescued from bridge bear was saved from Rainbow Bridge, in California by Route 66 sign. A bear had fallen and caught himself (or herself) to safety. Later, the next day, some people had a net under him (0r her) and shot him (or her) with a trans (whatever gun). He (or she) fell into the net and he (or she) climbed out when they got the net to the bottom. Click here to see where we got this picture from.

Click here to go to the rest of the story.

I learned that Rainbow Bridge was built in 1925 near Lake Tahoe near California. The capital of California is Sacramento. California is west of us. If you go west of California you will get to the Pacific Ocean.

Silly me, when Momma said when the bridge was built (because it says above the bear) I thought she said the rescue was when the bridge was built. I asked her “how did they get the colored pictures?”

Auntie Kristi

It is Auntie Kristi’s birthday to day

this is her name in Farsi, name.jpg

at the beachAuntie Kristi with Adrian
round the camp firAuntie Kristi enjoying a fire

family Auntie Kristi’s family 🙂

Happy birthday Auntie Kristi. We miss you!

Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday Auntie Kristi, happy birthday to you.


How old are you? How old are you? How old are you Auntie Kristi, how old are you? (or is it a secret? 🙂 )


P.S. Momma knows but won’t tell, Momma knows but won’t tell, Momma knows but won’t tell, isn’t she a good friend 🙂

I love you!

Happy Birthday Esther Late!

Esther and GeorgieHappy late birthday to you, Happy late birthday to you,

Happy late birthday dear Esther, happy late birthday to you!


I love you!

I think I remember that last birthday you were 19. I know you are between 19 and 30.

Mommy says you are 15! OOPS!

Happy birthday anyway.


Apples for picking

Here is a poem that would be like one that my great grandma would have told me. SheGreat Grandma telling me a poem liked fall. She liked the leaves changing colors. We went on walks and watched the leaves fall.

ApplesWhile we were walking today we saw leaves falling and geese flying. That means it is almost fall!

I like the fall. I like to jump in the leaves after we rake them (so raking ties in with one of my favorite things in the fall). I like to find leaves and press them. I like to pick apples and make APPLESAUCE!

Something Told the Wild Geese

Something told the wild geese
It was time to go.
Though the fields lay golden
Something whispered, “snow.”
Leaves were green and stirring,
Berries, luster-glossed,
But beneath warm feathers
But something cautioned, “frost.”
All the sagging orchards
Steamed with amber spices
But each wild breast stiffened
At remembered ice.
Something told the wild geese
It was time to fly –
Summer sun was on their wings,
Winter in their cry.
Rachel Field


This is written by Andrea, age 6!

It’s gone!  Look!Today at 5:30 p.m. my daddy pulled my tooth out! When Daddy came home, he pulled out my tooth. It hurt a little bit. I not even cried. Daddy say it bleeding a little bit.

My tooth is for the tooth fairy. I don’t know who the tooth fairy is.Lost!

If you have two lost teeth at the same time, you get two half quarters? I don’t know. I want to know. Mommy said she never lost two teeth at the same time so “I don’t know, you should ask Daddy.” Daddy said “I don’t know”.

I’m glad Daddy pulled my tooth. I waited a long time. I can’t believe my tooth is pulled out!

Today we swim in the swimming pool too.

The endMissing