On Sunday, 25 January 2009, I am getting baptized!

I believe that Jesus lived as a perfect person.  He never sinned!   He died on the cross and rose again.   He is the son of God!

There is only one way to heaven.  It is believing that Jesus was a perfect person and died and rose for your sins.  You have to confess that you disobey God and ask Jesus into your heart.  Jesus will come into your heart and help you obey!

I am going to be baptized to show that I believe that.

It is at First Baptist Church on CR 17 in Bristol.  The service starts at 8:30, and my baptism is close to the start.  I hope you can come!

Romans 3:23 says “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”.  Romans 6:23 adds “for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Christmas Surprise!!!!!!

EntranceA few  days ago we went to the CREATION  Museum in Kentucky!!!!!!!!!!!!       😮       8)         😉

We went  because   it was a Christmas Surprise from Oma!!!!!!    The Christmas Surprise was ffffffuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got to meet Ken Ham

I also met  Ken Ham  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He wrote a bunch of neat books about Creation and evolution.   He writes about how evolution is not true and God created the world in 6 – 24 hour days.  Creation is  true!

The 7 C’s of CreationWe learned about the   “7 C’s of Creation”.  They are  God Created everything.   Adam and Eve ate the fruit that God them not to and caused Corruption to the world.  Catastrophe happened when there was a world wide flood and God judged the world.  Noah and his family survived on the ark, but everybody else died because they chose not to listen to God.  Years later God Confused peoples languages at Babel.  The people where trying to build a tower that reached up to heaven.  Jesus Christ came as a baby and died on the Cross for when we disobey.  Then he rose again!  Consummation is when Jesus returns to the world.  He is going to take people who believe in him to heaven and judge the world.  Then he will  remake the world. It’s going to be perfect!

All of us holding a snake

My favorite thing was…give me a  year to think it over.  Because there was lots of neat things and I don’t know which one was my favorite.Another snake

A albino snakeFish eating fish

Here  are some things I saw.  Here is one of my favorite fossils–I call it fossilized meal! 🙂

There are lots more pictures and I will show you on another blog entry.  If you go on to Andrea’s blog, she will have some more pictures!T RexPoison Dart Frog

“Loch Ness” Monster?

First lego leag

Robot!Tomorrow  I’m having a First Lego League  competition.  I asked Adrian if it would be fun.  He said,  “NO!”  I’m not so sure about that.   It will be at Memorial High School Fieldhouse from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.  You are invite to come if you want.  We don’t have a very detailed schedule yet.

Here is the schedule we have;

9:00 I have to be there to check in and decorate our pit areaThomas and Mark practicing!

10:00 Judging our presentations and explaining our robot (I am going to be a news anchor for ECA News)

11:45 Coaches meetings

12:00 Welcome Ceremonies

12:30 Robot Performances Begins (There are different teams and we each do a few rounds)

Showing Andrea the old master program4:00 Top 3 Creative Research Presentation Perfomances

4:30 Recognition Ceremony

5:00 Clean up and go home!


Tomorrow is Voting Day in the United States!  It is important because it decides who will be the President of the United States (and other important jobs).

John McCain and Barack Obama are  both running for President.  I don’t know too much about them, but I do like the one better than the other.

If you do not vote, you are letting everyone else decide for you.  If you do not vote, NO complaining!

If I could vote, I would look for a good Christian who believes that Jesus died on the cross and rose again.   Someone who would ask God for help on decisions.  He or she needs to be honest.  Someone who has had experience in being a good leader.  I want him or her to be kind to his family.

I would not mind if a girl is elected if she’s the does the things above, but if she doesn’t that is different.

Momma and Daddy are going to vote and I am going to go with them.  If you go vote, please tell me!

If you don’t live in the United States –or can’t vote like Uncle John– could you please tell me what kind of Government is in your country?

You are allowed to vote if you are a US citizen and 18 years old or older.  You need to be registered.   I can vote in 8 years if it is on my birthday or after!

P.S. The 4th of November has been canceled according to my parents.  You are allowed to vote and then sleep.  It has been canceled this year because it’s my birthday and I am turning double digits.   AAAAAAAAH (says my mom!)  But for my birthday being cancelled I say Argh!  (That’s why I am being a pirate today!)

P.S.S.  If you see Auntie Shirley (at the bookstore at Concord Mall) or Auntie Lefkia (from Swaziland 🙂 ) tell them Happy Birthday.  Momma calls them my birthday twins!


Adrian looking at butterfliesAdrian held one!As I told you yesterday, six butterflies emerged.  Today another one came!   Ten have hatched, three we released and there is one more to go.  When they are all finished, I am going to be sort of happy and sort of sad.  Happy because I got to see them, sad because we will have to release them.

We rescued this one.This one we rescued.  It’s leaf dried up and fell off.  Momma taped it up to the aquarium.  The next morning the tape did not hold and it fell!   Momma and Daddy tied a string around the chrysalis, put a drop of super glue on the knot and then taped it up.  This one was the first one to emerge!

Yesterday, Thomas and Sarah came to watch them emerge.  They watched all of them emerge.One out

Cracking openWhen they emerge, they millimeter  out  of  their  chrysalises :)  Then most of them stretch out their wings.  Momma says it looks like they are stretching their backs.  Then they dry their wings.  When they are coming out, it takes about one minute.  It takes a half hour to an hour to dry their wings.

When their wings are dry we move them to the cage we made for them.  Before that we play with them!

Sarah playingThomas enjoying the butterflyEven Curious George wanted to play

Andrea’s trick

Andrea did this.  She put two butterflies on my arms and then put this one on my face!  I was not impressed.  Momma thought it was funny!

Grandpa sent us this note:Grandma got to play too.

Thanks for the morning.  Ma (Grandma Nana) enjoyed watching the new butterflies, she had never seen that happen before.

We tried to feed to feed them the day they hatched, but they did not eat anything.  We gave them watermelon last night.  They did not eat it.

Eating sugar waterToday we were hoping to let them free (sort of) and because of the rain we didn’t.  We gave them sugar water and watermelon.  And when they land on it and their proboscis unrolls, they drink the sweet juice from inside.  This picture is of us feeding it on a Q-tip.

We also tried to play with them, but they kept flying away.  We gave them a shower.  We spritzed them with water!

Faster and Eating



Faster and Eating emerged this weekend.  When we had to let them go, I really did not Mark holding Eatingwant to.

AndreaEating, I had to leave to get him to go.  We got to play with him a little bit.  We had fun with him.   The girls got him in their hair.  We tried on Adrian, but he went “No! No! No! No!”.    He climbed on my finger and all over me.  We tried to get him onto a flower.

He emerged in the morning when it wasn’t to warm.  It means that he could not fly as well.  Plus I think he liked me, because he would not fly away when I held him outside.

Faster did not come quite as fast, but he flew away fast!  (Maybe Faster was a good name for him!)  He came about 10:30.   When he was about to come, Momma Emergingsaid she heard a crack and told us to come.  We got to see him emerge most of the way!

We let him free around 1:30.  The weather was warm!Emerging

Whenever we tried to play with him, he would fly to the window.   He was ready to leave.  I did not want him to leave yet.   When we took him outside, he just flew around the tree and I think into the woods.

Later that day we saw another butterfly that looked like he had emerged that day.

Letting Eating Free