Meteor Shower!

Momma woke me up (not exactly woke me up) it was more along the lines of brought me upstairs about 3:00 a.m. That was LATE.

Momma carried me upstairs. We went outside out the front door. Then we waited and looked. It is hard to find meteors!

I saw a lot of small ones. There was mostly small ones, but I saw two REALLY good ones. I enjoyed them and liked them.

We sang Our God is an Awesome God, so that I would remember that it was real and God did it. If we were the only ones looking at it, God would still have done it.

Momma helped me find them.  We had fun!  The meteor shower is called Perseids and it happens every August. Last night was a good night to see it because it was supposedly dark because the moon was new. Our sky was bright 🙁 .

Here’s a website that tells about it and some other neat things this month.

Guess what I did!

Remember two blogs ago I said

Tune in next time to read about sum thing Mommy and Daddy have never done but I did! ?

I went on a hot air balloon!!!!!!! (NOT a cold air balloon) it was fun ffuunn (fun fun fun) but it was too short!

Uncle Joe took me on it with Esther. I stared down the hole time. It was fun ffuunn fun fun fun!

I want to go on it again! Next time I want to go to Africa and see the game parks!

Excited about going up!

Going up!

My balloon ride


I told you I would write more about our vacation.

My Jump


Group Ostrich

We are going to talk about the bog. Where is the bog? Down, Down Down. The first part of the bog is called the moat. The second is the mat and the third is the middle, because it is in the middle. If you stand on a board walk and jump straight up and down, the bog wobbles in the middle of where the board walk is.

Guess who?The difference between and bog and a blog is that you do not usuallyUncle Dave write on bogs and you don’t usually use peat moss in a blog.

The difference between a bog and a swamp is that a bog is land overtaking water and a swamp is where water overtakes the land.

It was fun. We got to JUMP in. When you jump, you either go in face first, arms spread out wide (that is called a Superman). That one is the coolest one. The second coolest way is called rock star. You jump in knee first. This one is called the original, you jump in bottom first, legs spread out wide.

Momma’s jumpJumping down feet first is called the WRONG way! Because you sink. It’s HARD to get out.

To get out, you crawl on your hands and knees or do the army crawlAJ.

You can grow carnivorous plants in a bog. Indians used to use it as diapers because it is “clean” (Uncle Dave called it sterile) and it can hold 100 times its own weight in water! Settlers used it as a refrigerator! Scientists have found pieces of meat! In another bog they even found a person!

Momma and Daddy

I want to do the bog again!Family


My Weekend 20-22 July 2007

GREAT Grandma BeaMy Great Grandma Bea had her 88th birthday! It was fun. We had cake, pizza!, pizza!, and more pizza! (All right, maybe not that much, but we did have a lot of pizza.) I liked to eat cake, of course.

It was a lot of fun. We got to play with cousins. We played volleyball ( I thought it was called ballyball 🙂 !) We played on the swings and the slides. That’s pretty much all.

The day after we saw Great Grandma Bea, we went to the circus. We saw them put upThe daring young men…. the circus tent –the big top! Oma and Opa took us. We got to see them clean horses hooves. We saw little horses, even a hippopotumuses.

Hoola hooping at the circusIn the evening, we all got to see the circus! It was fun. My favorite was the trapeze artists. I liked everything else though. The elephants were fun to watch. The clowns were funny. Very Funny! Very Very Funny! The girls who did the hoola hoops almost never dropped any. One of them dropped only one, but she was pretty young.

Oma bought red snow cones, slurp! They tasted very very very very very (you get the picture) yummy.

On Sunday, we went to the 4-H fair. I had a fun time on a roller coaster. My very firstMy first roller coaster one! The ride was much much much much (you get the picture) too short, but the roller coaster was big. I lost my stomach a couple of times. Every time it did, I felt like I was losing it twelve times! I went on it with Maryam.  It was very very fun.

I went on two rides with Esther (sorry no pictures!). One of them pretty much felt like a tornado, but I know you did not spin that fast. The other people on it did not spin at all, I don’t think they knew how to spin. I also went on one that felt like you were hang gliding. It was so much fun! Momma said it was scary seeing “her little boy” go on all those rides. But, I got to go on them.

It was a very very very very very very very (you get the picture) fun fun fun fun fun weekend!

But, don’t miss reading about this weekend (in a few days).

Happy 4th of July



The old and the newWe have been having Lots and lots and lots and ……lots and lots of fun. Firework fun to be exact! Here are some pictures of this weekend!


These pictures are from the Freedom Fest at Goshen Airport. I would recommend it to everybody! We were there all day!


Isn’t he cute?Here is the Dragonator! Isn’t he cute. He ate a Coke can and scared my sisters and brother (who is a troublemator! 🙂 )More fireworks!

Fireworks!Still more fireworks!



Audrey’s birthday


Audrey is 4 to day!!!!!!!!!!!

Audrey likes Curious George and duckies and horses.

She had fun at the Cleveland Zoo, which is the picture on the top. Her favorite were the “baby monkey’s” and the “big one messing up the paper”. Those are her quotes. Audrey with Casteel and Ballet Teacher Audrey’s first recital

Audrey had her first “dance recital” the1st. She did really well.

Happy birthday Audrey!