Another November Birthday

It is Grandma Pesola’s birthday.

Grandma is my grandma. She’s my momma’s Momma. She is my grandpa’s wife. She is my daddy’s mother-in-law. She is my great grandma Bea’s daughter. She’s my auntie Lauri’s Mother. She’s my uncle Joe’s mother. (Momma says that I am being silly!)

She likes any type of rubber stamps. She stamps them all over papers and sometimes makes birthday cards out of them. Stamp! Stamp! Stamp! Stamp!

She likes to see us. Yesterday she went to MacDonald’s with us. We played and we ate. She likes to go to the mall and usually just walks. She babysits Georgie. Georgie is my younger cousin. (Audrey says his name is “Curious George”. He he he!)

She is learning to knit and she crochets. She made a pot holder out of knitting and crocheting. It looked nice! The outside of it was crocheted and the inside knitted. I wish I had a picture on it so I could put it on my blog.

Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday Dear Grandma!
Happy birthday to you!

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Can you guess how old she is? I guessed 21 and she said “that’s what I have been saying.”

P.S. I love you Grandma!

Bobcat! The real story.

Last week we were driving home and there was this Bobcat in our yard. Not the type you are thinking (I think), it was the machine Bobcat.

Some men were cutting down trees and the Bobcat was bringing the wood in for our fireplace– after Daddy cuts it up. Then as it was bringing the wood in to a pile in our yard, it got stuck. It rained all the week before, it dug up aaaaaalllll the grass, and then got stuck in the mud.

They had a big truck with a great big rope pull out the Bobcat.

This is the second year in a row that they got stuck! They had the big truck that pulled out the Bobcat last year. It was so heavy, it sunk into the mud.

Momma warned them, but they said “don’t worry, we have the Bobcat.”

Momma said to finish this “sometimes you just have to listen to Momma”.

22 October

This is Great Grandma’s first birthday in heaven. She’s probably up in heaven running around picking golden flowers. Last year Great Grandma blew out the candle. The candle sang Happy Birthday.

Now it is Opa’s turn. He is my daddy’s daddy. Great Grandma and Opa were birthday twins. They were born on the same day but different years.
Opa means Grandpa in the Afrikaans (and German) language. We call him that so we wouldn’t get confused with my Grandpa Pesola and him. We were in Africa when I was born (and Daddy was born there too), and Mommy and Daddy just liked the word.
He and Daddy work in the same building, but not the same company. I think Opa is special because he is my Opa. He hugs and kisses us. He loves on us. He likes to go out to eat at McDonalds.

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Opa, Happy birthday to you!

I love you Opa!

xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo and an infinity more.

Answers to Jokes

Here are the answers to the questions from the other day.
Joke number one:

What do you call a skeleton in the closet?

Last years hide and seek winner.

Joke number two:

Why did the beekeeper itch all over?

Because he had hives!

Joke number three

What has given Mr Bubbles nightmares since elementary school?

Pop Quizzes!

Hope that you had fun guessing!