got into the cupboard,
climbed up, got the Pringles
and climbed down.
I started by cutting out the material. I used a pattern. We had to make the pattern longer. Momma was wanting to use the material for pajamas for Daddy but there wasn’t enough. “Can I have it? I want to learn to sew anyway!” Momma said “Ok” 🙂
Then I had to learn to make straight seams. Sorry no pictures of the cutting or learning to cut straight seams. My first ones looked like (yuck!) zig zags. The last ones where straight straight straight! Well, not that straight. There were not many wiggles.
I learned to sew on Mama’s sewing machine
At first, I really made mistakes!! mistakes!! mistakes!! mistakes!!
Here I am sewing (on oma’s machine) Now I am putting in elastic. Wow! That was quicker than I thought. Momma showed me a secret that I am not going to tell about getting the elastic done quicker.
Modeling what I made!
I wanted to do this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I liked it! “Momma, can I make
a quilt now?”
…”Any bird of brain will know you ar only stuffed with straw ” (leaves)
we made a… guess …(hint 1) s-k-a-r-o (hint 2) c-r-o-w!
We had raked the leaves. Adrian did not want to play in them. I played in them. I made myself a scarecrow! I am the Strongest Scarecrow in the World!
We are reading The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by Frank Baum. Here is a picture of Dorothy and the Scarecrow. W. W. Denslow drew the picture for the first printing. The picture is very artistic! I like it!
I am not going to tell you lots of it, because I want you to read it. The Scarecrow’s name is Scar-a-crow. Dorothy’s dog is Toto. Dorothy is Dorothy. “I want some brains”, the scarecrow says. He was made “only the day before yesterday.”
They meet up with a tin woodman (named the Tin Woodman). He became a tin woodman because he was a real man. He fell in love with a Munchkin. A witch made his axe magical and he kept cutting parts of him off. The tin tinker kept making tin body parts so the woodman could keep working. Eventually, he became all tin and forgot to oil himself and rusted!
They also meet a lion called the Cowardly Lion. He was born cowardly. He always was a lion so probably did not go through much changing. (Unless evolution is true, then he could have evolved from mud)
They are off to see the wonderful wizard of Oz! Momma says the book is different than the movie. I like the book!
We made our own scarecrow. I hope when you read the book, you like it enough to make your own scarecrow. Please send me a picture if you do!
On this day, many important things happened.
This is a test of your knowledge of history happening on 22 October. Continue reading Guess
It is oma and opa s Anniversary Continue reading Happy Anniversary!
Yesterday we were Trying to Blow Up the lab, well the Boss (geass who) Puts It that way.
2 table spoons sugar
Put the substance in small soda bottle.
Shake it lots! 8) 🙂
wate 🙁 🙁
The balloon should blow up! Because it prodosis carbon dioxide. It shows us that gas takes up space.
Our next experiment, we’re going to see if we can the balloon bigger (or blow up the lab!)
This is from my math book. I want to see who all can do it (Momma told me that I have two relatives who may not be able to do it) Giggle giggle giggle.
Some of them are real problems from my math book today. Some of them are from my brain.
1.) 3/2 x 15 =
2.) 1/3 x 15 =
3.) 12 x 1/2 =
4.) 7/5 x 15 =
5.) 100 x 2/100 =
6.) 5 x 1/2 =
7.) 99 x 1/3=
8.) 3 x 1/2=
Here are the parts of a fraction. Numerator(on top)/denominator (on bottom).
Here is an example. There are 8 people in a family. There is only one big cookie. Everybody wants it. What do you do? A) Bake a new batch B) Divide it equally into 8 parts. Each part will be 1/8 of the cookie. (and a lot less calories) 8)
If I was the person in charge of the family, I would chose A. Right now I would choose B because we don’t have the time! So it is much easier to slice, slice, slice!
I want you to comment and tell me the answers, what you think!
Thanks! Giggle, giggle giggle.
Today is Great Grandma’s first birthday in Heaven.
She was trying to teach me a poem called The Song of Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Click here to read the rest of the poem. Not there, here! Here is the part she was teaching me!
- By the shores of Gitche Gumee,
- By the shining Big-Sea-Water,
- Stood the wigwam of Nokomis,
- Daughter of the Moon, Nokomis.
- Dark behind it rose the forest,
- Rose the black and gloomy pine-trees,
- Rose the firs with cones upon them;
- Bright before it beat the water,
- Beat the clear and sunny water,
- Beat the shining Big-Sea-Water.
I have not learned it yet, because it is a very very very long poem.
This picture was Andrea’s 5th birthday. It was a Friday, we are going to dance. We would go and have lunch with Great Grandma. She would give us her dessert. Our favorite was Cherry Pie! We had fun!
Andrea said that for her birthday, Great Grandma is picking Golden flowers!
Happy Birthday Great Grandma!