
For math today I learned abuot surveys

  • What do you like most;
  1. milk chocolate
  2. dark chocolate
  3. white chocolate
  4. don’t know
  • Would you rather ;
  1. have a picnic
  2. go out to eat
  3. eat at home
  • When you go out to eat do you eat at
  1. McDonald’s
  2. an Asian restaurant
  3. a really Fancy restaurant
  4. other
  • What do you pack when you have a picnic
  1. peanut butter and jelly sandwich
  2. hot dogs
  3. salami sandwich
  4. other
  • Do you like
  1. bread
  2. meat
  3. salad
  4. other

P.S. From Adrian do you like Tigger?

  1. yes
  2. no

Good Food

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A couple days ago I made goooooood ( x 1000000000) food!

We call this Potato Samosas.  Instead of meat they have potatoes.  Maryam taught us how to potatoes.JPGmake them, but I forgot their real name.


To make

  1. Peel pototoes, cook and mash.  Add salt and pepper to taste and a very finely diced onion. Maryam grated it all.
  2. Cut wonton wrappers at a slant. Unless you want really big ones.  See example below 🙂fry

    putting-in-potatoesLarge Example

  3. Smear water over 1/2 of a wonton wrapper so it can seal.   Make sure you hit at the edges!
  4. Cover half the wonton wrapper with mashed potatoes.
  5. Fold and seal the wonton wrapper
  6. Deep fry until bubbly.
  7. Cool
  8. Eat them warm! (They don’t taste as good cold, but you can eat them cold.)


  9. Deep fry some plain wrappers and add cinnamon sugar!  They taste like elephant ears!

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Birthday balloons

Today it is Adrian’s birthday he is three years old! 🙂Learning to climb trees

He LoOoOoOovEs yellow

(and wrestling ,  playing monster, Tigger and chasing chickens)

Happy birthday to you,  Happy birthday to you,  Happy birthday dear Adrian,  Happy birthday to you!

 Here are some pictures.Sleeping

Blowing bubblesRoses

how to cut your hair

Starting the haircutbzzzzzzzzzzzzzztCutting it all off


I think I am done


How to cut your hair:

How am I doing?

  • Get permission from Daddy!
  • Get the razor
  • Go bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt to your hair
  • FixDaddy checking my work it when “done” 8)

    My hair

I Love My Family

I wrote  a poem called:

I Love My Family

I love Momma!

Momma loves me!

Mama spoils me!

I love Daddy!

 Daddy loves me!

 Daddy explains things Momma can’t!

 I love my sisters and Adrian!

They love me!

My sisters wrestle with me while “Ayin”(Adrian) washes grapes!