Momma FINALLY Let Me!

Before my haircutAfter my haircutI have been wanting a mohawk for a very long time.

Momma really doesn’t like mohawks.  I asked Daddy if I could and he said to ask Momma.  Momma wasn’t really paying attention when I asked her, and said “Sure, if Daddy says okay.”

Last time Momma let me cut my hair, I tried to cut a mohawk, but I got a thin little stripe down the middle.  Daddy cut my hair and made a mohawk! Then he added the green hair gel.

When Momma saw me, she started giggling and said “shave it off!”  Daddy had heard when I asked Momma permission and said “You said that he could”.  So, I have a Mohawk!

Korean New Year and Birthday

We went to Daddy’s cousin’s house in Canada.  They invited some friends over for New Years.  We ate meatballs and Kabli Pulao.  Kabli Pulau is a special rice from Afganistan that tastes very good. For New Years we stayed up until midnight! We got to try Korean rice cakes.  I did not like them.

Then we had a Korean Birthday party the next morning. We had Korean Soup made with rice cakes and seaweed.  The noodles were called mantu and were like wontons. Everything tasted really good except for the rice cakes.

Korean Rice Soup

New Look, Same Great Blog

SmileMomma and Daddy have been remodeling my blog !!!!! Some of the new features are a Wish List and if you reload, a new picture will pop up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can change the colors of the letters! This makes it a lot more fun!

Scouts is starting and it is Popcorn Season.  Yahoo!  Last year I earned enough for camp and Daddy’s camp.  This year I probably won’t because I will be a Boy Scout and camp is a lot more expensive.  I hope to sell enough popcorn to earn a gift card so I can get a microscope.

Did you Know?

  • When you open a bag of Scout microwave popcorn you are the first person to touch it?  They use machines and robots to pick it and package it.
  • They make Trails End popcorn in a town near Indianapolis?
  • If you buy the already popped tins or buckets, the popcorn is air popped because it does not use oil so it is healthier.
  • They use REAL butter when they make their popcorn
  • Cub Scout popcorn is a serving of whole grain (or two or three or four or five)
  • There is no trans fat in Trails End popcorn
  • Trails End popcorn is only the best of the best kernels.  They use three different hybrid kernels.  One is easy to dunk and one is crisper. They all taste good!
  • They have changed the selection of popcorn this year.  I think the best is the Triple Chocolaty Delight.

If you know of anyone interested in buying popcorn, please let me know!

Enjoy my updated blog!