Cupid’s replacement

Cupid decided to go on vacation over Valentine’s day this year. (He is a few hundred years old, so I guess we can let him get away with things like that.) Of course he needed to find a replacement. Remember George? Cupid is teaching George to shoot. the method they are trying now is “Aim at everything you don’t want to hit”.

George thinks Sam should have been picked.

Sam and George

Meet Sam and George, Sam likes to plot the destruction of forts, while George likes eating flowers.

This is a nice example of mutualism. Sam has a hard time terrifying the inhabitants of his targets, so he has a dragon along with him (This strategy works about one percent of the time right now, because George is too adorable to be scary). George just gets to graze on the tulips they pass by.

Dissecting a Shark


Tonight we dissected a shark for marine biology. I don’t think Megan enjoyed it as much as the starfish, but once she got over the smell she had fun finishing it off.

Megan said;

It smelled gross! I liked poking it and it was really fun trying to make it look disgustinger. I poked the eyes into little tiny bits, and made them pop out. They popped back in. I was scrambling the brain.

I think we learned more then my science book planned, like what colour the liquid in an eyeball is and that sharpies draw mustaches on sharks. The book seems just to be concerned with us knowing the location of the “inards”.  I am so glad that we are allowed to play with the shark longer and explore on our own.

Christmas Poem

Christmas Poem
By Mark
December 2008

In a house
By a window
in a stable
there is a manger.
In that Manger there is a Baby.

A long time ago
Under a star
In a town
By an inn
There is a stable.
In that stable there is a baby.

In that stable
Between the shepherds
behind the cows
and donkeys
There is a Baby
That baby is named Jesus.

Merry Christmas