Last week I went on a hike. A friend loaned me a micro lens to get some pictures with. I had fun practicing.
Category: Pictures and drawings
I went for a walk today and found some neat things. Unfortunately, because of what the area was like I was having a difficult time keeping my exposure right (They have cliffs here!) I will need to play with those photos a bit more.
I love how the drop caught the light and got such a blue shine. I’m also not sure what photo of the fire hydrant I prefer, what do you think?
Ever since I started animating I have wanted to try doing an animation, by hand drawing every frame. I stayed away because of the amount of paper and work it would take to redraw every time. At school there is a wacom tablet I can use, so I decided to try using it to animate.
Yah, it is a stylized animation of the hero in a folktale I read. Don’t ask to spell his name.
Dinner tonight!
Helping Momma
Helping Daddy
Cupid’s replacement
Cupid decided to go on vacation over Valentine’s day this year. (He is a few hundred years old, so I guess we can let him get away with things like that.) Of course he needed to find a replacement. Remember George? Cupid is teaching George to shoot. the method they are trying now is “Aim at everything you don’t want to hit”.
Sam and George
Meet Sam and George, Sam likes to plot the destruction of forts, while George likes eating flowers.
This is a nice example of mutualism. Sam has a hard time terrifying the inhabitants of his targets, so he has a dragon along with him (This strategy works about one percent of the time right now, because George is too adorable to be scary). George just gets to graze on the tulips they pass by.