Pi day

Today is the “Pie day of the century” because Pi is calculated at 3.1415926359.  Today for the only time in a LONG time, the date match up to it.  March (3) Date (14) Year (15) and Time (9:26).  You can even get the seconds (35) in there if you want!

Pie is a yummy pastry, not to be confused with Raspberry Pi (a computer).  Pi is a mathematical constant. Pi is a irrational number because you can not write it without rounding it to some degree.

You need mathematical constants because there are some things that do not change. Pi is the ratio of a circle’s diameter to it’s circumference.

You do not need yummy pastries but they make life more fun. We are planning to make some pie today. I want apple or pumpkin.

So make a yummy pie and enjoy Pi day!

Here is a video about Pi that I like.


SnowSpeare and Inverse Paper Quilling 19 Feb 2015
“SnowSpeare” and Inverse
Paper Quilling
19 Feb 2015

We have been wanting to build snowmen for a while but the snow has not been right so today we made quilled snowmen!

While we were making them I wondered what it would look like if I made an inverse one.

Pop Quiz Answer

The other day I asked who said, “A learned blockhead is a greater blockhead than an ignorant one”?  It was Benjamin Franklin!

Good job Opa for having the only correct answer!  Momma thought it was Charles Schultz. 🙂

Guess what we saw today!

We saw a Bald Eagle today! We even got pictures!

We had gone to the park to sled. Mom brought her telephoto lens to get pictures of a  cute squirrel that she seen last time at the stuffing his face at the all you can eat bird feeder.  The squirrel was not there.

After we went sledding, we dropped the girls off at a friend’s house.  As we were leaving we saw the eagle.
If Mom did not have her telephoto lens we probably would not have gotten this picture.

“Simply Sinatra”

Night with SinatraGrandpa invited me out for a program called “Simply Sinatra”. It was at the Lerner Theater and mostly old people and a few grandkids were there. The singer’s name was Steve Lippia.  He sang songs that Frank Sinatra sang. Grandpa said “he is supposed to sound like Sinatra, but he doesn’t”.

An orchestra played the songs. They did a good job but it was loud even in the back. I think that “New York, New York” was the loudest. Mr. Lippia did that one because it was one of Sinatra’s biggest hits.

Mr. Lippia sang and told jokes. He told how “The Christmas Song” (Chestnuts Roasting over a Open Fire) was written.  Two guys who wrote songs together met on a very hot day, and the one noticed the other one had a bunch of sentences about the cold on his notebook.  He asked if he was writing a song. The other guy said  “I thought if I wrote about cold, it would cool me down.” The first guy said “I think I could make a song about that.” They took the song to a singer and the singer said “It looks good, I am going to record it.”  It became one of the most famous Christmas songs.

The program was okay. The only song that I knew in the first half was the first song, “Sleigh Ride”. Then the rest of  that half was love songs. I was tired of them very quickly. The second part was tons better. I liked it because it was mostly Christmas songs. I liked the music but some of the songs could have been improved by not singing them 🙂 .

I enjoyed going.  Thank you Grandpa.

Wise Words

For school today, I had to write about some wise things that life has taught me.

  1. Never look an angry Alpaca in the eye.

  2. Never wear sandals into a barn with goats.

  3. Always close the door to the goat pen.

  4. Never think that huge goats cannot get through that tiny hole. There is a reason that goat’s name is TROUBLE!

  5. Remember that different people have different definitions of inclimate weather.

  6. Cowboy hats get stored UPSIDE DOWN!

  7. Give my littlest sister two sticks and she will play violin for the rest of the day.

  8. Give my little brother two sticks and then send him outside.

  9. Never hug a porcupine.

  10. Always hug your little sisters!


MeganWe went to the Nutcracker today. We all enjoyed it.  This was the first time for Megan that she remembers. We think she went to one when she was very tiny.

Megan really enjoyed it.  The only time she was fidgety was during the intermission. Otherwise she sat quietly with rapt attention. When we got home, she started dancing to the music we were playing.

So, today’s guest speaker is Megan.

” The Nutcracker was very good. It snowed in the play. There was girlsis they had tiaras and tutus. They danced they just kicked their legs and spinned around in a circle. It was about girls and boys, there were mice and sheep. The music was pretty. They looked like ballerinas or som’in. It is done. There was one show. Mommy said “It is done” and we went.”

Here are pictures of Megan’s favorite scenes.

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