S.A.M (Secret Agent Megan)

It was a normal day at headquarters–that means very loud!!

I decided to get some tea so I walked over to Andrea. Andrea makes very good tea. Because she is very tall I looked up at her with my big blue eyes that she just can’t resist! And I asked “pleeeeese”!  Andrea gave me some tea “yum”!

After the tea I went for a walk. I decided to go to one of my favorite places a tree that was tapped! I wanted a drink so I took the lid off and put the tube in my mouth. That is when I saw that the bucket was empty!

Last time I went to that tree the bucket was full. That means I needed to solve a case!

The goal of a secret agent when he or she has a case is to answer questions like;

  1. Who took the water?
  2. Where did he or she take it?
  3. Why was the water taken?
  4. What happened to make them take it?
  5. How did they move it? I have a hard enough  time moving  the bucket when it is empty.
  6. Does Andrea have more tea?

I knew how to answer one of those questions. I went to see Andrea she did not have any tea :(.  It was lunch time so I ate and took my nap.

When I got up I had my snack and went out to the tree. I walked around it a few times, the bucket was gone!!!!!!!!!  I walked around the tree a few more times just to make sure yup,  the bucket was gone!!!!!!!!!  I walked around the tree a another time just to make sure yup,  the bucket was gone!!!!!!!!!  I walked around the tree a few more times just to make sure  the bucket was still gone.  I walked around the tree a another time just to make sure the bucket was still gone.   I sat down. I was getting dizzy.

I went inside to ask Mark about water. ( Ok, ok, ok I went to see if Andrea had made more tea.)  I wrote down what I learned;

  1. Andrea does not have more tea.
  2. The chemical symbol for water is H2O.
  3. Water is a liquid until 100°C then it is a gas and 0°C then it is a solid.
  4. Solid water is called ice, water as a gas is steam.
  5. Water participates in hydrogen bonding so it has a high boiling point.
  6. H= hydrogen O= oxygen.
  7. Oxygen is ‘bigger’ then hydrogen.
  8. Water is a solvent.

I asked him what a solvent is;

  1. A  solvent dissolves the salute.
  2. Salt is a salute to water.
  3. Is tea?

The cook yelled it was time for dinner, I was  glad;

  1. I was hungry.
  2. I was thirsty.
  3. I was very hungry.
  4. I was tired.
  5. I was very tired.
  6. I like listing things.

After dinner I got ready for bed and went to sleep. I had decided to work more on the case tomorrow.

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