Rock Hounds

We went to the Upper Peninsula on vacation last month!

It was fun! We went to Copper Harbor. It is a small town. It was so small there was no cellphone signal!

There were loooots and looots of rocks up there. We went looking for copper, green stones and other fun rocks! We found some copper and maybe green stone at a mine dump. We also found agates and other colorful and some almost perfectly round rocks by Lake Superior.

The Cliff Mine is a dead mine and they made a pile of the stuff they do not need. If you are up there, you can go there and look for neat rocks and artifacts. Momma went up there looking for copper when she was little. I found lots of neat rocks. We think some of it is Greenstone. I found three rusty nails, one broken. I also found one “thing”. If anyone knows what it is part of,  please let me know 🙂 . While there, Adrian was looking in the water. He found some polished rose quartz,  he held it up high and shouted, “I found a diamond!”


Do you know what the "thing" on the right is?

We had fun!

Collecting Rocks
Unknown Author

I think that there shall never be an ignoramus just like me
Who roams the hills throughout the day
To pick up rocks that do not pay,
For there’s one thing I’ve been told
I take the rocks and leave the gold

O’er deserts wild or mountains blue
I search for rocks of varied hue.
A hundred pounds or more I pack,

Greenstone, copper, agates, Petoskey Stones, fossils and other fun stones

With blistered feet and aching back.
And after this is said and done
I cannot name a single one.
I pick up rocks where ‘ere I go
The reasons why, I do not know
For rocks are found by fools like me
Where God intended them to be.