We went to Hlane National park today!
We saw a lot of animals.
We went to Hlane National park today!
We saw a lot of animals.
Today was the 40th anniversary of TWR in Africa.
Yesterday we got ready for today. I also helped fix some feed lines.
This morning we started a fire for the braii (grill) then we cooked a lot of meat and some corn meal.
Today I helped at the transmitter site.  This morning I helped replace some switches in a transmitter. There was only a set of two that needed replaced. The contacts were bad, and the transmitter that needed them was the only one with wires that clipped on even  though they are all the same. (That one seems to be the odd one).
After we fixed that, Opa and I went for a walk around the site. Â We went over the bridge that I took the picture of Opa on his birthday on. Then we went down a old road to the site to where they put the road over a donga (ravine).
In the afternoon I worked on some school, and chatted with Mom.
We went to Milwane game reserve today!
We saw lots of animals including a baby zebra!
Yesterday night a owl landed on the power lines and got zapped. So when we got to the site that morning one of the generators was going. It was LOUD!
We worked on different things around the site after the bird was taken down.
Sometime around lunch it rained and a ton of flying termites took off. I tried to get a picture of them but I could not. I did get some of some birds that were feasting on them.
After it stopped and we ate Opa showed me around outside where the old roads are and the other places.
Today is Oma and Opa’s anniversary!
For lunch we went to Sambane Coffee shop. It is next to the Baobab Botick and a few other stores that we looked at after we ate.
When we were done we drove places Oma and Opa used to go and got home just before it got really dark.
We went to the store today. Afterwards we picked up some grilled corn. It was good, not sweet but I like it more then sweet corn.
I also took some pictures of the plants around where we are living.
And bananas!
We are here! We stayed in South Africa the first night then we drove to Swaziland. We stopped at a gas station that had some animals behind it.
When we got to Swaziland we went to a glass factory. They had peacocks and weaver birds that I took some pictures of.
On the 17th Opa and I went to the transmitter site. I will probably write longer blogs later when I am more on the right schedule.