Category: Being silly
Being Silly
Please help Naming this Picture
This summer I found a unknown seed that I think is a tree that is sprouting.
There is a parks photo contest that I want to enter. I decided to change the seed picture to make it more interesting. This is the version momma and I like best. It is the one I will use for the contest, but I can not think of a name for it.
On the right is the original. Momma played with the shading. I then copied it twice, downsized the copies and made them look like babies. I erased a little bit of the junk. I then “colored” in the rest. It was fun.
The name needs to have something about seed or unknown seed and preferably ostrich.
Another Camp Song to Annoy Your Parents
There Was a Great Big Moose
I learned this song at Camp Ann this summer. If you want someone to sing it to you, ask Adrian, he loves this song.
This is a repeat-after-me song. So say what I say and do what I do
There was a great big moose!
He liked to drink a lot of juice.
There was a great big moose!
He liked to drink a lot of juice.
Singin’ oh way oh
Yo oh yo e oh yo e oh
Way oh way oh
Yo oh yo e oh yo e oh
The moose’s name was Fred.
He liked to drink his juice in bed.
The moose’s name was Fred.
He liked to drink his juice in bed.
Singin’ oh way oh
Yo oh yo e oh yo e oh
Way oh way oh
Yo oh yo e oh yo e oh
He drank his juice with care,
but he spilled some on his hair.
He drank his juice with care,
but he spilled some on his hair.
Singin’ oh way oh
Yo oh yo e oh yo e oh
Way oh way oh
Yo oh yo e oh yo e oh
There was a great big moose
full of juice
on the loose…
Singin’ oh way oh
Yo oh yo e oh yo e oh
Way oh way oh
Yo oh yo e oh yo e oh
Camp Song to Annoy Your Parents
This is a repeat after me song, so you say what I say and you do what I do
Swinging on a rubber band,
Smashed into a frying pan,
Now Tarzans got a tan.
I hope it doesn’t peel
Like a banana! (Beat your chest)
Flying in an aeroplane.
Crashed into a traffic lane,
Oh, that hurt! (high squeaky voice)
Now Jane has a pain,
Now Tarzan has a tan.
I hope it doesn’t peel
Like a banana! (Beat your chest)
Was dancing to the beata,
Crashed into the streeta,
Now Cheeta is Velveta,
And Janes has a pain,
Now Tarzan has a tan.
I hope it doesn’t peel
Like a banana! (Beat your chest)
Two blogs in one
Blog one!
Maple syrup update.
We have 14-15 gallons of sap and only enough jugs for about 20.Â
We have it in snow so it does not go bad.
If it keeps up like it is, we will have about 30 by the end of the week! Please send clean juice and milk containers to the “McGuire Recycling Center”.
Blog two!
Smiles for today.
Punx Phil McGuire Update
Practicing their Lines
Another Worm Song to Annoy Your Parents
The Littlest Worm
The littlest worm (the littlest worm)
I ever saw (I ever saw)
Got stuck inside (Got stuck inside)
My soda straw (My soda straw)
The Littlest worm I ever Saw______.
Got stuck inside my soda straw.
He said to me (He said to me)
Don’t take a sip (don’t take a sip)
‘Cause if you (do cause if you do)
Down will I slip (down will I slip)
I took a sip (I took a sip)
and he went down (and he went down)
Right through my pipes (right through my pipes)
He must ‘uv drown (he must ‘uv drown)
Now don’t you fret (now don’t you fret)
Now don’t you fear (now don’t you fear)
That little worm (that little worm)
Had scuba gear (had scuba gear)
Now don’t you fret, now don’t you fear, that little worm had scuba gear!
This is probably a mix of two or three versions, I learned from Esther and Uncle Dave when at Lake Ann.
We were going to see The Voyage of the Dawn Treader with Grandma and Grandpa and Esther. Esther starting singing the Littlest Worm song. Then Grandpa started singing Goulash! It was a fun trip
P.S. The movie was good. My favorite part was the Sea Serpent fight! Thanks for the early Christmas present Grandpa and Grandma!
Song to Annoy Your Parents
“Goulash was a little worm, a little worm was he.
Sat on a railroad track, a train he did on see.
Goulash, Goulash!”
Esther thought this was disgusting, she had goulash for lunch!
Thanks Grandpa for a new song! Do I have it right?