Another Camp Song to Annoy Your Parents

There Was a Great Big Moose
I learned this song at Camp Ann this summer. If you want someone to sing it to you, ask Adrian, he loves this song.

This is a repeat-after-me song. So say what I say and do what I do 🙂

There was a great big moose!
He liked to drink a lot of juice.
There was a great big moose!
He liked to drink a lot of juice.
Singin’ oh way oh
Yo oh yo e oh yo e oh
Way oh way oh
Yo oh yo e oh yo e oh

The moose’s name was Fred.
He liked to drink his juice in bed.
The moose’s name was Fred.
He liked to drink his juice in bed.
Singin’ oh way oh
Yo oh yo e oh yo e oh
Way oh way oh
Yo oh yo e oh yo e oh

He drank his juice with care,
but he spilled some on his hair.
He drank his juice with care,
but he spilled some on his hair.
Singin’ oh way oh
Yo oh yo e oh yo e oh
Way oh way oh
Yo oh yo e oh yo e oh

There was a great big moose
full of juice
on the loose…
Singin’ oh way oh
Yo oh yo e oh yo e oh
Way oh way oh
Yo oh yo e oh yo e oh