Today at nap time, I thought about what nap stood for. It stands for:
Phun (fun for those who can’t read phonetically).
Audrey says today is “Leap Year Day!” It is special because it only comes once every four years. Grandpa says that “girls can ask if a boy will marry her”. But why on Leap Year Day only? Why, can you tell me?
A couple of days ago we made ice candles. It is easy to make ice candles.
We got a bucket and a disposable plastic cup. We filled the bucket one third full of water. Then we put some rocks in the cup and made sure it sunk to the bottom of the container. The cup has to have the bottom of it at the bottom of the bucket so that it can come out easier.
Put them outside, or you can cheat and put them in the freezer. Wait until they are solid ice. Take them out. If you can’t take the cup out, put some hot water in the cup and it should come out immediately. (Don’t dump the cold water on the front steps because it will get icey!)
Then you can put votive or tea light candles in the ice candle hole and burn them outside on snow or the cold ground.
They are beautiful!
I worked hard on my Pinewood Derby car. I had to make my car and Daddy helped me. I cut out the car design. I put weights in it and sanded it. I painted it with tape on it. When I took the tape off, there was a place where there is not paint. I put the numbers on (13, because “M” is the 13th letter) and then made it shine by spraying more paint on it. It was fun. Don’t you think it looks nice?
I raced on Saturday. The first thing I had to do was the weigh in. They weighed and measured and tested the wheels. The car has to be under 7 inches and weigh 5 ounces or less. Mine was 4.9 ounces! It was perfect with a dime, but adding the tape would, oops!, make it go over.
The people who came to watch my race was Oma, Opa, Grandma, Grandpa, Momma, Daddy, Esther, Andrea, Audrey, Georgie and Adrian. Georgie likes race cars so he “when can I watch the race?!” He gets to watch his daddy race cars, but these were different.
I raced my first race very well. The back on my car jiggled and bounced off the track. Then it slowed me down. My second race I lost by a little bit. The third one I lost by a lot. The other guy’s car was better than mine because the wheels on mine gone angled and the wheels had contact with the head of the axle 100% of the time. It slowed me down!
Next year, I am going to put some more friction on it. I have to research how. We think it was too finely tuned and the track was not fine enough. When it bumped, my car jiggled, jiggled, jiggling down the track.
I feel proud of my car. I worked so hard on it. I feel mixed emotions about if I am sad or if I am glad that I did not win. They have to confiscate your car if you win, because there’s another race they go to. It would have been fun to race in the second race. So they did not have to confiscate my car and I can play with it.
I know what color I am going to do next year. If I had won, it would have been green next year. But, since I did not win, I am keeping my blues. I am not giving up on blues until I win. The only difference next year, is the stripe will be different and a different car design.
Stay tuned next year, for next year’s race!
“Dzzzzit lolol ooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo beep!”
He he he!
Momma caught this “alien” today after naps in our dining room. He went back up in his space shuttle. Oh no! Not another one!
I found this poem out of our poetry notebook. I like it!
This is an anonymous poem, hopefully you all know what anonymous means. If you don’t know what it means, it means that I don’t know who wrote it. I do not know when it was written either.
This poem almost makes me laugh. On a scale for sillyness from 1 to 100 (1 is no silliness, 100 is laughing) this is a 99.5!
Read it and tell me what you think!
Do you Carrot All for Me?
Do you carrot all for me?
My heart beets for you,
With your turnip nose
And your radish face,
You are a peach.
If we cantaloupe,
Lettuce marry;
Weed make a swell pear.
I got a surprise today. It was a letter carried by the Hashknife Pony Express.
Mamma sent me the letter. It was cool!!!!
Here are the pictures of the letter.
P.S. Mamma how did you do it?
P.P.S.S. I hope I get another one next year.
On Monday my Scout group got a special delivery. It was a toy dump truck that was remote controlled. The den leader’s “Famous” quote of the night; “are you going to dump it all over the floor?” It dumped a package with everything in it on the floor.
🙂 8) 😉 😮
The dump truck brought some Weblos craftsmen pins and my Bear badge! I did different things to earn it. We went to the zoo in Chicago, baked pancakes, discussed “junk foods”, and baked cookies. We did a law enforcement achievement. I took fingerprints and other things. I had to do twelve achievements out of 24.
Now I am working on arrow points. They are electives. So far I have earned one gold; but I don’t have it yet. I am working on the silvers now.
I am trying to earn the Cub Scout World Conservation Award. I have been working on it a long time! I have to finish this school year or start all over again with harder stuff! It gets harder each year! I wish I had known about it when I was a Tiger.
I am also working on belt loops. They are extra electives. I already have map and compass (and I want the pin for map and compass). I am working on the Geology pin. Maryam is helping me with the Heritage one and Language and culture pins. Daddy is helping me on the computer one.
Bye Bye!
Yesterday we had a visitor. Continue reading Stranger in the house!
Scat is an appropriate word for poop. Scat is cool because you can learn a lot about animals, by studying the stuff that is in it. Ewwwww!
You can learn a lot about what animal’s eat. An owl’s scat has the bones of what it just ate. It has the fur of what it ate. If the creature eats a lot of leaves, it’s scat is green! (Second ewww!) Usually the bigger the animal, the bigger the scat. A deer is big, but his or her scat is small. Scat is not always the same because it depends on the season and the different kinds of food digest differently.
I want to be scatologist; someone who studies scat, and a naturalist. Because I want to learn a lot about animals.
These are picture of scat from different animals. I want to see if you know about what kinds of animals make what kind of scat. (Momma says I am a weird cookie!) I made Momma take these pictures (she earned extra Momma points!) Look at the scat picture, it has a number on it. Tell us what you think. The hints are the scat is either a bobcat, coyote, grey fox, rabbit, raccoon, red fox or a toad.
I have read these books and they are good. I am reading the story of Little Mole at Nature Nuts. I became a helper and I get to read books to the class.
The Story of the Little Mole Who Went in Search of Whodunit by Werner Holzwarth & Wolf Erlbruch
The Truth about Poop by Susan Goodman
Who Pooped in the Park? series