Happy Birthday…

Last Wednesday was my Oma’s birthday. She’s the daughter of my Great Grandma Reble. She’s my daddy’s momma. My momma’s mother in law. Okay, let’s be silly. She is my Uncle Phil, Uncle Josh, Uncle Sam, Uncle Nathan and Daddy’s Mother. She is David’s, my cousin, Grandma.

She is special because she knows how to make us smile.

She gives us good presents all year around. One year, Opa found a bike, someone was going to dump it. He sprayed painted it green, because it was a lot of different colors. He fixed it up. Then Oma laid out a string that led from the door up the stairs, along the hall way, down the stairs, and back to the Christmas tree. A bike for me!

I love you Oma!

Andrea says, “I love you too!”


Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Oma, Happy birthday to you!


One thought on “Happy Birthday…”

  1. Mark,

    Thank you!! I love you, too. I love Andrea, Audrey, and Adrian and your mom and dad too!!

    You are growing so tall, I guess we will have to be looking for a bigger bike (and a longer string).

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