The other day we found a butter knife that was dying. Mom said I could destroy it if I wanted to. I decided to try to customize it because I had found some neat wood I wanted to use somehow.
It sort of grew from there 🙂
I made a bench for a Boy Scout merit badge. It took a week or two to earn the badge.
This merit badge is special because it was taken out of circulation. We can do it because it is BSA’s 100th birthday! It needed to be finished by 1 January 2011 to count.
To do it I had to
Here are some pictures.
Awhile ago we went to Blue and Gold. It is a big party with lots of food and Cub Scout rank badges. This year I got my Arrow of Light. I also crossed over. We tried to get some pictures but did not get many good ones 🙁 so Mr. Buckler, a friend’s Grandpa sent us most of these.
When I crossed over, I got some pewter Scouts. I think they are from a early 1900 mold. I will have to check that out. No Uncle Joe, you can not have them for your pewter collection!
Friday I crossed over from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts! This is my new uniform and neckerchief.
Because I am a Lone Scout–a scout who does not have a troop–but can go between troops, I got to design my own neckerchief. We made it big, because they are changing it to a larger size. The colors represent what I want to become. Red for courageous and determined, Orange for creative and Blue for having perseverance, Truth and Faith in Jesus Christ.
Right now I am trying to get my Scout Badge–which is the first badge in Boy Scouts, so I can earn Tenderfoot next. My goal is to eventually earn Eagle.
I will share some pictures on my Crossing Over later.
Just for fun, Momma found some pictures of when I started Scouts as a Tiger Cub and my Tiger Cub Crossing over to Wolf Cub. Uncle Dave was my original Scout leader. Daddy was my Den Leader. Now Daddy is my Lone Scout Leader.
Ducky did not win Best of show , but I like Reece’s car the best!
When we got to the Pinewood Derby, Mr. Linley checked my car, it was to heavy. We carved a lot out of the back. I did not think it looked good until Cardin said that it looked like a jet engine! Then I thought it looked better.
I went to Webelos camp. I got to do lots of fun things like archery, BB’s, swimming, knot tying, skits and lots more! We even had a water balloon battle. We had a lot of fun.
We were one of the two teams that did not touch the flag
(that meant that we did not really win). The reason that we did not touch the flag was because we ran out of water balloons (“amo”). We still had most of the kids left by the time we ran out of amo. If I was still, I would have just gone for the flag, but I got hit (killed).
I learned how to tie a horse to a stake or a post. I took fishing lessons. The fish I caught “kicked” the hook on to Daddy’s finger ): he he he. It hurt Daddy but it was funny. One of the people at the fishing practice caught the same fish over and over and over. I learned a few more songs to annoy my momma. Want me to sing them to you?
My favorite thing was learning the songs and getting beads. I earned them by going to activities and by being a waiter for lunch.
One of the songs we learned was “Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb, Mary had a little lamb with tators and some pie!” (Sung to the tune of Mary had a little lamb).
Thank you for praying that there were not too many mosquito bites. It only rained three times one day and they were short rain. It was fun!
This Saturday (17 January 2009), I am doing my Pinewood Derby Race. You are invited! The racing starts at noon. It’s at Trinity United Methodist Church.
Hope to see you there!
I have the same design when you are looking at the side of the car. When you look at the top, it is totally changed. I still have to sand it, paint it, put the wheels on and basically finish it! I just designed it and cut it out so far.
A few days ago I went to round table !  It is something that scout leaders do to get ideas I do not know why it is called round table.
I got two tickets to a Notre Dame basket ball game. The hockey tickets were gone 🙁 . I got them because I was one of the first to fill two Popcorn order forms. Notre Dame is playing Delaware State.
              who should I root for?