I told you I would write more about our vacation.
We are going to talk about the bog. Where is the bog? Down, Down Down. The first part of the bog is called the moat. The second is the mat and the third is the middle, because it is in the middle. If you stand on a board walk and jump straight up and down, the bog wobbles in the middle of where the board walk is.
The difference between and bog and a blog is that you do not usually
write on bogs and you don’t usually use peat moss in a blog.
The difference between a bog and a swamp is that a bog is land overtaking water and a swamp is where water overtakes the land.
It was fun. We got to JUMP in. When you jump, you either go in face first, arms spread out wide (that is called a Superman). That one is the coolest one. The second coolest way is called rock star. You jump in knee first. This one is called the original, you jump in bottom first, legs spread out wide.
Jumping down feet first is called the WRONG way! Because you sink. It’s HARD to get out.
To get out, you crawl on your hands and knees or do the army crawl.
You can grow carnivorous plants in a bog. Indians used to use it as diapers because it is “clean” (Uncle Dave called it sterile) and it can hold 100 times its own weight in water! Settlers used it as a refrigerator! Scientists have found pieces of meat! In another bog they even found a person!
I am glad that you didn’t get blogged down in the bog. Ooops that’s wrong. I meant bogged down in your blog. I’ll try again bogged down in the bog!! You have such interesting blogs and interesting pictures. It’s really a cute picture of your mom and dad. It looks like fun!
Hugs and kisses.
Dear McGuire’s;
Wah!! I want to do it again!! What fun! Mark, it’s neat to see how much you remember. I could tell by the pictures that you were all pretty proud of your mom’s willingness to get mossed!I LOVE the ostrich picture. I’d like to frame that one!
Have a great day! I miss you!
Auntie Kristi