I had nothing much to do for a bit because homework got pushed back, so I decided to draw another picture of George. This one illustrates how small dragons start out as.
Author: Mark
Meet Fluffy and Spike
Ultimate Frisbee
Easter Surprise! (Plus One)
We sheared alpacas the other day! It was the fastest year we have had yet, we got done an hour sooner than last year.
Not only did we shear alpacas, some people brought over their angora goats. Goats are less of a group effort, so we got to watch and learn. Sheep and goats can be sheared the same way, but goats are more trouble so it is recommended to have some other equipment. It is not so much a big deal when you are only doing two. I still prefer alpacas.
Megan also got to help, she is getting big enough to do more each year.
I take alpacas in and out. I had fun helping sweep and tie the bags. I kissed the baby alpacas on their nose and hugged them. I helped tie Finn up. I got to play with the neighbor’s granddaughter. It was loud and fun, but it got a little bit boring sometimes.
Dinner tonight!
Harvey and his Seeing Eye Carrot
Grandpa’s band played at an elementary school this morning. They had asked if I could be a bunny for one of the songs, but the costume was hard to see out of. Megan dressed up as a carrot and helped me not trip over anything. We had fun.