We have another pupulating caterpillar! We have three total. Faster is not eating anymore, he made his chrysalis (or as Audrey used to call it, crystals!) today.How he did it was he shed his skin and his new skin was greenish. Then, I don’t know what happened, maybe his skin dried and he shriveled up and got shorter and fatter! When it dried it made his chrysalis?
He went faster than the other ones. Maybe it happened because of his name.  He was attached last night at 5:45 and then Momma saw him in a half “j” before bed. He was finished by 10:30 this morning!
Just for fun we are predicting what each butterfly will be. I think the first one will be male, the second (Eating) a girl and Faster a boy. Adrian thinks they are all boys. Andrea thinks Eating is a boy and the rest girls. Daddy thinks two girls and one boy. Audrey thinks two girls and one boy. Momma thinks they are all girls. I hope not! Because I want them to mate and lay eggs!
Here is a picture of another caterpillar molting!
Wow what great photos! Can’t wait to see what they look like when they’re all grown up :o)