Yesterday’s yesterday, (otherwise known as Saturday the 10th of May) Uncle Sam and Auntie Angelique got married! We had a lot of lots of fun.
You get married when you know you will make a life long commitment to the other person. God will help! Uncle Sam married Auntie Angelique because she is pretty, a Christian, and he loves her. LOTS!
First we played and talked and talked and talked and talked. We took pictures all over the place! Whenever we got to the right place, with the right camera, the right people, and the right lighting, the photographers took a lot of pictures. So did Momma and Uncle Kai and a lot of others!
My sisters were the flower girls. They dropped fake flower petals behind the ring bearer. Then Uncle Sam and Auntie Angelique met in
the front and got married.
As they were going into the McGuire mobile, we threw pieces of frosting. It was supposed to be rice. It is a tradition for weddings. If they get it in their hair, supposedly they have more kids. Momma and Daddy did not get any in their hair, and they had four kids! I hope they got lots in their hair, I want lots of cousins!
Most everyone was eating the rice. Momma did not let me eat any but, everyone else did. Adrian ate some too, but Momma did not want him too.
Then they drove to the reception where we ate and danced and had lots and lots and lots of fun.
After it was over, we went home. We got there late. And when we got home…. zzzzzzzzzzz…. (I was tired!)
Congratulations Uncle Sam and Auntie Angelique!
Enjoy your Honeymoon trip!
Very nice blog! I had fun too. It was fun to dance with the bride but I liked dancing with your sisters and especially your mom. She is cute! Can I take her home?
The food was good too.
It is so good that Uncle Sam chose a Christian girl to marry. She is also very pretty and will be a fun Aunt to have around. Maybe there will be a lot of little cousins soon 😉
Hi Mark, that was a special day. It was refreshing to see it through your eyes. Your sisters looked fine. Your Mom did well on their dresses don’t you think?
I sure am glad that you have such a lovely aunty who IS a Christian!
I am praying that you will also marry a Christian one day. (far off).
Mark, Nana and Papa had fun at the wedding also. It was fun watching all the kids dancing around Uncle Sam and Aunt Angelique during the Bride and Groom dance. Your sisters did a great job being flower girls and looked gorgeous…….