
Tigger birthday cakeHappy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Adrian!!!!!!A Tigger outfit!





It’s Adrian’s first Birthday! My baby brother is getting too big. I love my little brother. I prayed for a little brother before he was born. And I got one! God gave me a little brother because I needed one!

He’s so cute. He was cute, now he’s handsome. Andrea says he IS cute! He was cute, but not as cute. But he is cute.Matching outfits

He was born in the night. Momma said if the baby comes in the night, Oma would be here. When I woke up the next morning, “Where’s Momma?”.


Later, Momma told me the story of before Adrian was born. She rocked Audrey because Audrey was not feeling good. Before Mommy and Daddy went to the hospital, they went to Meijers to get some film.  Soon after Momma checked into the hospital Adrian said “I want to come, I want to come, I want to come, come, come!” Momma was in the hospital about forty minutes before Adrian was born. The next morning, Oma was there.

Tasting a Mexican sodaNow, Adrian can climb stairs, get into mischief (especially in the toilet) ewww! He can say “Momm ma ma ma” and “Da da da da da da”. He also says “An An an an” (the beginning of Andrea’s name). He can give raspberries. He can crawl all over the place and is learning to walk. He holds on to something and step, step step.


Spaghetti dinnerAdrian ate something new at his party.  He had cake. It sounded as if he was saying “it’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to.” He was crying because he was so tired. (Yawn).  He is still crying today. We think he is getting a tooth or getting sick. Not a good birthday present.

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday Adrian Matthew, Happy birthday to you!“Adrian on elephant in Swaziland” by Mark

“Adrian” by Audrey“Adrian” by Andrea


7 thoughts on “One!”

  1. Looks like it was a wonderful party. Give Adrian a big kiss and a hug for me :o).

  2. Your party was fun Adrian, and you had fun too, even if you were a little tired for a while………

  3. hello mark, this is not about adrians birthday but i have an experiment for you to try. you will need 1 hardboiled egg, 1 CLEAR
    cup, 1 dixie cup, vinegar and water. put the egg in the cup and cover it completely in vinegar. i put foodcoloring in mine so it was more interesting. take the dixie cup and fill it halfway with water. set that on top of the egg so it holds it down. now you wont notice anything for a few days but its really cool. the egg shell actually crystalizes on the dixie cup!!!!!!!!!!!!! leave everything alone for 7 days, only look. after 7 days you can take the dixie cup out and keep it. if mommy will let you touce the egg and youll notice there isnt a shell anymore. after the 7 days you can throw everything away but, i thought you would like to try it. i did it in my science class and am now doing it at nana and papas. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!! ESTHER

  4. Sounds cool. Now all we need is a Dixie cup. Do you have one? I’ll try it as soon as I have a Dixie cup.

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