My Weekend 20-22 July 2007

GREAT Grandma BeaMy Great Grandma Bea had her 88th birthday! It was fun. We had cake, pizza!, pizza!, and more pizza! (All right, maybe not that much, but we did have a lot of pizza.) I liked to eat cake, of course.

It was a lot of fun. We got to play with cousins. We played volleyball ( I thought it was called ballyball 🙂 !) We played on the swings and the slides. That’s pretty much all.

The day after we saw Great Grandma Bea, we went to the circus. We saw them put upThe daring young men…. the circus tent –the big top! Oma and Opa took us. We got to see them clean horses hooves. We saw little horses, even a hippopotumuses.

Hoola hooping at the circusIn the evening, we all got to see the circus! It was fun. My favorite was the trapeze artists. I liked everything else though. The elephants were fun to watch. The clowns were funny. Very Funny! Very Very Funny! The girls who did the hoola hoops almost never dropped any. One of them dropped only one, but she was pretty young.

Oma bought red snow cones, slurp! They tasted very very very very very (you get the picture) yummy.

On Sunday, we went to the 4-H fair. I had a fun time on a roller coaster. My very firstMy first roller coaster one! The ride was much much much much (you get the picture) too short, but the roller coaster was big. I lost my stomach a couple of times. Every time it did, I felt like I was losing it twelve times! I went on it with Maryam.  It was very very fun.

I went on two rides with Esther (sorry no pictures!). One of them pretty much felt like a tornado, but I know you did not spin that fast. The other people on it did not spin at all, I don’t think they knew how to spin. I also went on one that felt like you were hang gliding. It was so much fun! Momma said it was scary seeing “her little boy” go on all those rides. But, I got to go on them.

It was a very very very very very very very (you get the picture) fun fun fun fun fun weekend!

But, don’t miss reading about this weekend (in a few days).

3 thoughts on “My Weekend 20-22 July 2007”

  1. Mark,
    I am so,so,so,so glad that you had a fun, fun, fun, fun weekend. I bet this one was just as fun.

    I love you,

  2. Hi Mark–
    A GREAT picture of your Great Grandma!! Be sure to bring your camera so you can get pictures of the festival when you visit! 🙂
    Uncle Joe

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