Learning to Make Bulani

Peel onionWe are having a friend over. Morsal is teaching me how to make afghan food. Yesterday she taught me how to make Bulani.

Make a sticky white bread dough using 4 cups flour, salt, water and yeast. Let rise.

Mash potatoesMeanwhile, boil 4 large unpeeled potatoes until soft. If the skin is thick, peel it first.

Thinly slice two onions optional (you can dice them smaller if you want). When potatoes are soft, mash into the onions. Season to taste using Garum Masala (spicy is better), cumin, pepper, cayenne pepper and fresh cilanto. Taste mixture and add more seasoning if needed.

Roll dough into thin circles.  Make sure they fit into the pan you will fry them in. Spread a little mixture thinly on half of each dough circle. Cover and seal well.

FinishedFry each Bulani in a little oil until golden brown. eat warm!

You can also make this with whole or chopped green onions, but Morsal said most kids prefer the potato ones!

Another way to make Bulani is how Maryam taught me.

One thought on “Learning to Make Bulani”

  1. I saw the name Morsal, Where is she from? by the way you are doing a great job Mark cooking all those good food.

    Miss you all

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