Working Hard

We are making garden boxes this year. We think that one reason our garden has not been doing well is the garden is next to a half-time “swamp”.

We just finished layering them with rocks and sand. The next step will be to put dirt and manure on before planting the gardens. We were moving the sand with the tractor. The kids decided they wanted a ride back to the sand pile before the next fill up. We were taking a ride around the yard while the girls sang “Dashing through the grass.”

Here we are waving hello and sending “I love yous” to Oma and Opa!



3 thoughts on “Working Hard”

  1. While you were singing “Dashing through the grass”, Uncle Dan was singing “I’m dreaming of a white summer”! It ‘s been snowing all day here and all is white. Want to come up and go sledding?

  2. Uncle Josh and I wanted to plant a garden here, but since the ground is all rock, we would have to make raised beds. You and your siblings can come down and make our garden! We will pay you in brownies, and you can all share a room with Lucy!!! 🙂 Miss you all! Love you!

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