
Mark and JonahWe have a new cousin!  His name is Jonah Obadiah McGuire.

We went to see him yesterday. He felt much smaller then I remember Megan to have been.

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear Jonah.

Happy birthday to you!!!!! 



October 2010
When she was little and started to cry if I played she would normally stop.

I am learning how to play the guitar. Daddy is teaching me the chords and then when I know enough, I learn a song with them.

The other day I was practicing my guitar and Megan decided she wanted to dance to it.

Now when I start she comes running to either “help” or dance. When she helps she sits on my lap and covers and uncovers the strings. I like when she dances and sings better.


Mark sleddingWe got 6 1/2 inches of snow last night. I helped shovel the neighbors driveway. We tried to do it quietly, but she caught us.

Then, we went sledding. It was fun!  The snow was very deep, so it was hard coming up the hill.

I was doing a very “good job” sledding today, I probably traveled more with the sled not under me than anyone else did. The only times I remember getting to the bottom of the hill was when I went down with someone else 🙂

We enjoyed sledding, but we had to leave when the hill got too busy with wild “big kids”.  Momma had checked and saw that schools had a two hour delay, but we learned later that schools had been canceled for the day so everyone went sledding!


Tasting Weird Food

The other day Daddy brought us some shellfish to try.We think they were clams. They were frozen so Mommy defrosted and then steamed them. Then we added garlic and butter.

I thought they tasted like sandy fish…

Audrey thought they tasted … ummmm … well… OK…?

Every one else who tasted them thought they were GROSS!

Here are the reactions… (I HIGHLY recommend double clicking on Megan’s picture to see it full size!)


On our trip to Canada to visit cousins and go to a wedding we went to Tim Hortons.  It is a donut shop. We went there because I said I remember the snow and the donuts from last time we went to Canada (almost 3 years ago). We got kinds of donuts I never remember having before. They were good, especially the maple flavored ones.

Megan liked the cream filled ones and the ones with frosting–which was just about all she ate! Andrea and I liked the maple and the honey ones the best.  Daddy, Momma and Adrian liked the maple ones best.