
Scat 9

Scat is an appropriate word for poop. Scat 4 Scat is cool because you can learn a lot about animals, by studying the stuff that is in it. Ewwwww!

You can learn a lot about what animal’s eat. An owl’s scat has the bones of what it just ate. It has the fur of what it ate. If the creature eats a lot of leaves, it’s scat is green! (Second ewww!) Usually the bigger the animal, the bigger the scat. A deer is big, but his or her scat is small. Scat is not always the same because it depends on the season and the different kinds of food digest differently. Scat 2

I want to be scatologist; someone who studies scat, and a naturalist. Because I want to learn a lot about animals. Scat 7

These are picture of scat from different animals. I want to see if you know about what kinds of animals make what kind of scat. (Momma says I am a weird cookie!) I made Momma take these pictures (she earned extra Momma points!) Look at the scat picture, it has a number on it. Tell us what you think. The hints are the scat is either a bobcat, coyote, grey fox, rabbit, raccoon, red fox or a toad. Scat 6

I have read these books and they are good. I am reading the story of Reading Whodunit?Little Mole at Nature Nuts. I became a helper and I get to read books to the class.

The Story of the Little Mole Who Went in Search of Whodunit by Werner Holzwarth & Wolf Erlbruch

The Truth about Poop by Susan GoodmanScat 1

Who Pooped in the Park? seriesScat 5

9 thoughts on “Scat!”

  1. Umm..I’m glad I was done eating before I saw your incredibly insightful blog. 🙂
    Kudos to you for wanting to learn more from animals by studying their scat.
    Science needs people like you who aren’t squeamish about stuff like this…so go for it….learn all you can!

  2. So you mom has become a scat scooper now eh? Does she know what it is?

    The Papa

  3. That is so gross Mark! But it reminds me of a joke… Q: Do you know what a scatologist is? A: Someone who better wash their hands before making you a sandwich!

  4. Hi Mark;

    Miss Krista caught an error in your report, that I did not catch (oops!). She said “Owl pellets are actually not scat, they are actually more like vomit. The bones and fur of a mouse or mole can’t be digested by the owl and they won’t even go through their system. Instead, the owl regurgitates them into the pellet that we find.”

    Pretty cool! God sure did a wonderful job designing his creation!

  5. eeww Mark you have poop all over your blog! LoL :o) (kidding)

    You know when I was in grade school we took apart owl pellets (very carefully) and then we pieced back together the remains of the animal and glued them to paper. I remember thinking it was soo cool, but my mom had other thoughts when I brought my project home :oP.

  6. If you scroll over the pictures, some number will pop out. It says “Scat 9” just as an example. Here are what they are in order.
    Scat 9 is toad
    Scat 4 is gray fox
    Scat 2 to coyote
    Scat 7 is red fox
    Scat 6 is raccoon
    Scat 1 is bobcat
    Scat 5 is rabbit.

    Just so you know, a deer’s scat in the winter is shaped like a rabbits, only shaped more like a jelly bean. Rabbits are more like chocolate covered coffee beans.

    More important information. Rabbits eat their own scat, so the round balls are the scat that has been through twice! Ewww, eating scat, yuck!

    That’s worse than a cow chewing his cud (over and over and over again)

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