25 January, 2009 My Baptism Pictures

Yesterday, I got baptized!    cold

Getting ready

The water was coooooooollllllllllld!

After I got baptized we had a party.  I had lllooootsss oofff ffffffffuuunnnn.The water was COLD!

2 thoughts on “25 January, 2009 My Baptism Pictures”

  1. Congratulations!! That is a very important commitment that you made! On the day your Mom and I were baptized, the water was VERY cold also! Did you know that is a VERY common experience? In some of the earliest Christian writings (outside of the Bible) when it talks about how to do a baptism, it says we should use cold running water (like at a river).

    Be sure to mark the date in your best Bible! That will be an important date to remember.
    Love ya!
    Uncle Joe

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