Yesterday Andrea and I went to work like normal. But it was not normal!
When Andrea and I went to bring the Alpacas in to eat we noticed that there was one extra black alpaca! We counted again to make sure we did not count one twice. We counted one more time to make sure we did not count one twice twice! 🙂
We ran in to tell Mrs. Beer. She was surprised too, because we thought the creas were due at the end of the month. She carried the crea into the barn, and Chewbacca, the crea’s big brother, followed. He also came in a few times to check on his mom!
I ran to tell Mommy, Audrey and Adrian. They put on their alpaca boots and came over with Megan.

When they got there, I got to carry the crea to a stall so the crea would not get confused over who was its Momma. Ruby Tuesday, the crea’s Mom, followed us.
They have to stay in the stall for a few days so the crea does not get hurt and so they can bond well.
As of now, we suspect it is a boy, but have not officially checked. The Beers will tell us the baby’s name soon.
UPDATE 4 May 2012:Â HER name is Queen Amidal.
Nana thinks this is really coooooooooooool
How exciting and fun! Especially to be the ones to discover the new baby.