Fifteen Questions

Instead of a normal book report I decided to do “fifteen questions”.

Who am I thinking of?

  1. He was born in China on January 16, 1902 .
  2. During World War Two the Japanese ordered that there were to be no meetings of over ten people. so he wrote a sermon, invited nine people over and talked about it. then the nine people asked nine more people and they talked about it. and then the nine people asked nine more people and they talked about it. and then …
  3. He helped the hospital at Li Mu Shi, China.
  4. He and he taught school in China.
  5. Got Married to Florence Mackenzie on March 27 1934.
  6. He had three kids.
  7. When he and his family were going to Canada the ship got hit by a U- boat torpedo but did not explode
  8. Rode a bike to different villages in China to tell them about Jesus and to help bring wounded people .

Do you know who he is yet?

  1. Took two men to the hospital on a small cart, on a bumpy road.
  2. He died 21 February 1945 in a Japanese interment camp
  3. He died because of a brain tumor.

Here are some easy ones.

  1. He raced in the 1924 Olympics.
  2. He won the gold medal for the 400 Meter dash!
  3. He would not run on Sunday.
  4. His nick name was “The Flying Scotsman”. Can you tell me why?

I’ll tell you who this person is in a few days.

3 thoughts on “Fifteen Questions”

  1. Mark,
    I believe that would be Eric Liddell. His story is told in a movie called “Chariots of Fire”. Of course, the book you are reading “Eric Liddell: Something Greater than Gold” was a dead give away.
    Uncle Dan

  2. I see you corrected his birth date. The flying scotsman ran with his head back and mouth open kind of like a steam engine…….

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