On Sunday, 25 January 2009, I am getting baptized!

I believe that Jesus lived as a perfect person.  He never sinned!   He died on the cross and rose again.   He is the son of God!

There is only one way to heaven.  It is believing that Jesus was a perfect person and died and rose for your sins.  You have to confess that you disobey God and ask Jesus into your heart.  Jesus will come into your heart and help you obey!

I am going to be baptized to show that I believe that.

It is at First Baptist Church on CR 17 in Bristol.  The service starts at 8:30, and my baptism is close to the start.  I hope you can come!

Romans 3:23 says “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”.  Romans 6:23 adds “for the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

4 thoughts on “”

  1. What a special day, Mark. I remember my baptism well. I even remember what I wore to church that day before I changed into my robe. The robes were blue back in the day. I hope it’s a special day for you!!

  2. Greeeeeaaaaaaat Mark. Nana and Papa are very happy you are taking this step of faith and being baptized. We are planning to be there to watch. I will be with Pastor before the service so I will be praying for the service and for you. Love ya…..

  3. Praise the Lord. It is one of the most lovely steps to take in your life. If I had been in USA near you, we would have come. Hope you will be a good witness out in the world and not keep it to yourself!

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