Auntie Kristi

It is Auntie Kristi’s birthday to day

this is her name in Farsi, name.jpg

at the beachAuntie Kristi with Adrian
round the camp firAuntie Kristi enjoying a fire

family Auntie Kristi’s family 🙂

Happy birthday Auntie Kristi. We miss you!

Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday Auntie Kristi, happy birthday to you.


How old are you? How old are you? How old are you Auntie Kristi, how old are you? (or is it a secret? 🙂 )


P.S. Momma knows but won’t tell, Momma knows but won’t tell, Momma knows but won’t tell, isn’t she a good friend 🙂

I love you!

Guess what I did!

Remember two blogs ago I said

Tune in next time to read about sum thing Mommy and Daddy have never done but I did! ?

I went on a hot air balloon!!!!!!! (NOT a cold air balloon) it was fun ffuunn (fun fun fun) but it was too short!

Uncle Joe took me on it with Esther. I stared down the hole time. It was fun ffuunn fun fun fun!

I want to go on it again! Next time I want to go to Africa and see the game parks!

Excited about going up!

Going up!

My balloon ride